Spare skin

indigolafaye Posts: 17
edited September 28 in Health and Weight Loss
My boyfriend and I are both trying to loose weight and get healthy, but one thing that I think puts us both off is the prospect of potentially being left with lots of spare skin. Are there any tips on how to avoid this?


  • Good question! I would love to know an answer to this too....
  • Karen397
    Karen397 Posts: 1

    I think it is dependent on the amount of weight you both have to lose. I have lost 70 lbs since November and have minimal spare skin because I joined a gym and exercise not only on the machines but also stretching and streghtening exercises. This will help!! Good luck on you joourney!! :smile:
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    There was another thread posted on this subject earlier today. From what I have read, if you lose the weight slowly and steadily, as opposed to going on a lose-weight-quick-crash diet, you shouldn't have much problem with loose skin. Also be sure to add in exercise to keep things toned.

    Another thing to consider... as we age, our skin loses it's elasticity. That means the longer you wait, the more likely you are to have loose skin after losing a lot of weight. One more reason (as if you needed one!) to start today and not put it off.

    Edited to fix typos. :)
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I'm no expert, but I have heard that strength training (lifting weights and such) will help with that. And also not losing weight too fast. Slow and steady, to give your skin time to keep up with the weight loss.

    But I'd also like to hear what other people have to say!
  • Spare Skin > Death

    Don't let this be an excuse to not get fit! Excuses are last year! It's time to shape up and make it happen.
  • EXERCISE is the answer. Cardio and weights. Please don't let the prospect of loose skin stop you from getting healthy!
  • mhig011975
    mhig011975 Posts: 181
    I would say either cardio, ab work or strength training. Another option is having skin removal. Once the skin is stretched, it usually won't bounce back.
  • If you lose weight slowly it shouldn't be too much of a problem, it's when folk have gastric bands fitted and lose weight too quickly , that's when you get saggy skin, so slow and steady will get you there
  • lesliefm
    lesliefm Posts: 20 Member
    It depends on skin elasticity and genetics, as well as age and how long you have been overweight, AND how overweight you are. Some people have a lot of extra skin, and some people don't. Some experts think the lower you can get your body fat ratio the more the skin will shrink down at the very end of your weight loss. Don't let the thought of loose skin keep you from losing weight!

    The best thing to do is just lose it slow and steady, 1-2 pounds a week and see what happens.
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    Also water is your friend. It also takes time but alot of will go back or shrink. That takes a bit longer than the weight lose. There are also things you can eat or supplements that help with skin collagen production and elastin. (Foods that contain different vitamins can't remeber them off the top of my head)

    Another thing that helps is after a c-section the doc give you an elastic band to aid with the skin to go back, You can buy an item that does the same thing, THEY REALLY HELP. They are called I think a Belly Band, They work for this too.
  • Thanks everyone! It's good to know a few more people have the same concerns and get the support and advice offered as well :D
  • Bootzey
    Bootzey Posts: 274 Member
    If you lose it quickly... like weight loss surgery... you will sag. If you lose it gradually, your skin will keep up.


    The older you are, the more prone to sagging you will be.

    I'd rather be thin and loose than fat and tight. Sorry. That's life.
  • ImperfektAngel
    ImperfektAngel Posts: 811 Member
    From the start of my weight loss, I have used plamers cocoa butter oil and now am using Nivea firming lotion. I have very little lose skin on my body, there is a bit at the arm area, I can't say if it would be worse had I not used this stuff from the beginning but I do eat healthy and exercise. Been this way from the start :)
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