Anyone 5ft ??? And struggles with food !!!

Anyone 5ft ??? And struggles with food !!!


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,208 Member
    I was 5ft once - what do you need?
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    I am 5ft0. What do you mean by 'struggle'? I like nice food,.not sure i struggle with it. Ive been paleo for 8 years now. Not sure if that is of any baring.
  • carrierose2
    carrierose2 Posts: 38 Member
    Lol, I'm 5'0 exactly and know what you mean! Any amount of extra weight makes us look like ooomp loompas! The struggle is real! I finally got on a vlcd diet and so far so good!
  • bradleyedel87
    bradleyedel87 Posts: 14 Member
    What kind of diet is vlcd diet ?
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    i'm 5ft. what are you struggling with?
  • bradleyedel87
    bradleyedel87 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm struggling as in.... Can't get away with the portions most ppl eat, so in turn less calls everyday ...
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I'm struggling as in.... Can't get away with the portions most ppl eat, so in turn less calls everyday ...

    Not really, if you're active?
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    I'm struggling as in.... Can't get away with the portions most ppl eat, so in turn less calls everyday ...

    yeah it sucks that because we're shorter that our calories are different by a couple hundred cals but i find that i can still eat a lot if i measure accurately, eat a variety of different foods and exercise. even going for a 1-2 hour leisurely walk can get you some extra cals. i'm one to complain that it's not fair that taller people get to eat more but we also are smaller people so it makes sense for our bodies to need less fuel to maintain itself.

    i find i maintain around 1300-1450 cals without exercising regularly. yeah it's unfair that most people can call that a deficit, but it is what it is! and in turn an actual deficit for me can be anywhere from 1000-1100 calories. but it depends on the person, their metabolism and activity level. you'll get used to smaller portions overtime if you aren't already. and you can still always have days where you eat larger portions as long as you don't get carried away and make a habit of exceeding your calories for the day because then that would defeat the purpose of calorie counting to get in shape/stay in shape. :smile:
  • suziecue20
    suziecue20 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm 5ft and aged 67 - double whammy! I wouldn't think it was unfair that I had to eat hundreds of calories less than taller people if my appetite would agree lol.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Oh, i see. I dont see it as unfair. It is what it is. My best friend is 5ft 8 and weights much more than me. When we eat together i have accepted that we will have different amounts. As soon as you make peace with it, things will be much easier.
  • bradleyedel87
    bradleyedel87 Posts: 14 Member
    Thank you all .. Use are very inspiring.. I know I have to eat small for being small.. I'd just like to eat more lol
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    Thank you all .. Use are very inspiring.. I know I have to eat small for being small.. I'd just like to eat more lol

    i think everyone would like to eat more every now and then lol but it's the sacrifice you have to make. plus it's not so bad once you get used to it!

  • needstobefit15
    needstobefit15 Posts: 119 Member
    I'm 5'0" and I struggle with the eating part too. I can't go over 1300 calories if I do I maintain or gain weight. It's frustrating. And the portion sizes I'm not good at.
  • hev481
    hev481 Posts: 45 Member
    I am about 4'11 and a half to 5foot (and almost at goal weight) on a good day! I eat between 1000 and 1200 (depending on how good I am that day at planning) when I am trying to lose and I find that I maintain at pretty much exactly 1325. Above that I start to gain. It took me about 10 days of eating small too get used to it and now it doesn't bother me. That's 10 days of being hungry and kind of mad at the world that little people have to eat littler portions. Now it's much easier. What you CAN do is make sure that you get the most bang for your buck within that ~1200 calories by choosing food that keeps you full...and this requires planning. Going out for a meal when you have that few calories to work with will totally bust the deficit for the day unless you have planned for it so I wouldn't recommend it until you are used to pre-planning orders by doing research beforehand, etc. I personally have found that most carbs just aren't worth it for me because they don't keep me full and they "cost" a lot of calories (I think of my MFP calories like a daily budget), whereas things that are very high in fiber and protein with some fat tend to do better at keeping me not hungry the ought the day. I eat a lot of eggs, turkey bacon, low fat cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, black beans, apples/spinach/green beans/broccoli, chicken breast, and have recently started using powdered peanut butter to satisfy that craving (much less cal but all the protein). If I REALLY want something "spendy" like eating out--the usual culprits are a chic fil a sandwich, chipotle, five guys, something like that...I plan it. I don't make an impulse decision, I pre-log it that day, see how many calories I have left and divide that for the rest of my meals, sometimes Chic fil A for dinner means a 100 cal breakfast and a 100 cal lunch and nothing else for the day...or a workout before dinner to help balance out an extra snack. Basically, plan and budget for the things you want so you don't feel deprived!

    Also, remember that the goal of eating is to sustain life (eliminate your hunger). You don't need to "feel full." This one took me some time. So when you finish eating a smaller portion you may not feel stuffed or full like you used to...just not necessarily hungry anymore. And that's exactly how you are supposed to feel.

    Good luck!
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    Yep. 5ft on a good day with socks on.

    I run regularly and find it affords me more calories. I seem to maintain around 2000.
  • pipsqueak34
    pipsqueak34 Posts: 19 Member
    I am 4'11. I have to stay at 1200 to lose. I found that making sure you are eating healthy, filling foods makes it easier. No refined sugar, very low carbs, LOTS of veggies, fruits, protein from lean meats like chicken and turkey, and a little bit of healthy fats. I also found that drinking tons of water helps me to feel fuller. Eating 6 small meals a day helps some people as well.
  • 2secondchance
    2secondchance Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'4" and over weight. Hope to change that this year. Its far to easy to eat more than you need. Free food is the way.
  • andrealinder10
    andrealinder10 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm glad other people noticed this too. It's a struggle!
  • jtate0212
    jtate0212 Posts: 53 Member
    5'1 here! The struggle is real! I tried every dang diet fad out there, and either maintained or gained. Had two beautiful boys and gained 50 lbs. Ugh..I was super resentful when I came to MFP and learned that I would have to stick to 1200 to lose. So I tried that for awhile, and just maintained. Gave up after awhile and gained again. FINALLY, I have come to the realization that I need to get active, PLUS stick to my calorie goals. I work at a desk, so am on my butt for 8-9 hours a day. I simply will NOT lose unless I get off my butt, lol. I bought a treadmill on amazon and have been using that 30 min an day, and also doing some interval strength training a couple days a week. I am FINALLY starting to see that scale move in the right direction. Slowly but surely this time. Plus, I feel better and sleep better now. So happy something is finally working!
  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    I am 5'5 and I am considerably smaller than literally everyone I know, have been turned down for dates because I'm 'too small', struggle to reach the pull up bars without something to stand on and yes, I find it quite annoying that I have to eat less than people who are taller than me but do bugger all exercise. I remember someone once insisting I should eat lots of smaller meals rather than larger meals less frequently and having to tell them because of my size this would mean I'd be having a couple of rice cakes as a meal.
  • zira91
    zira91 Posts: 670 Member
    I'm 5'1 and my TDEE to maintain at sedentary is 1500.
    However, since I do workout 3-5hrs /week I can eat at 1800 and still be at deficit.
    I do feel envious with taller people coz their cals is a bit higher, but if I want to eat more, I get the added calories from exercise. ;)

    I believe in moderation and not labelling anything as good or bad. Especially since I love baked foods, ice creams etc. I try to fit in those treats in my daily cals.. I've lost 36lbs so far with 14 to go.. Lets keep going strong !
  • Lapetitechat
    Lapetitechat Posts: 4 Member
    edited February 2016
    I was just about to make a post like this!!! I am 42, a hair under 5'1 plus somewhat sedentary. MFP says to lose weight I need to be at 1200 cal a day, but frankly - I barely lose at that. I think it is more of a "maintain" weight. I actually lose if I go down to 1000-1100. But what the heck to eat and still stay sated at that low calorie level is my question. The thought of eating salad and not much else makes me rather frustrated.
  • squishprincess
    squishprincess Posts: 371 Member
    I was just about to make a post like this!!! I am 42, a hair under 5'1 plus somewhat sedentary. MFP says to lose weight I need to be at 1200 cal a day, but frankly - I barely lose at that. I think it is more of a "maintain" weight. I actually lose if I go down to 1000-1100. But what the heck to eat and still stay sated at that low calorie level is my question. The thought of eating salad and not much else makes me rather frustrated.

    i have that problem too. 1200 is simply not a big deficit for me at all. it's aggravating. but i just have to make myself get off my lazy butt and exercise and it does make a difference. guess it can't be easy for us short people, if we just wanted to eat a deficit to lose weight i think we'd be around 900-1000 calories a day lol which is not healthy imo.

    but filling foods for me that fit into my calories are things like soups (either canned or homemade, i'm not judging), oatmeal (definitely filling), tuna salad or boiled egg salad (or a combo of the two) with dressings like salsa & whatever else veggies you want. egg whites & 40-45 cal toast with fruit usually keeps me full. i like making dishes with high volumes of vegetables. a dish i frequently make is: half serving of a portion of beans, random veggies, cooked with salsa & a big side of broccoli. i also like using shirataki noodles & making either stirfrys with them, adding in veggies/tofu or chicken or something and soy sauce, or a spaghetti type dish. you definitely have to get creative & find what you like. i'm not toooo picky so you might not like my suggestions :)
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I'm 5'1, my diary is open if you wanna peek
  • jandw122912
    jandw122912 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 4'8... I definitely stuggle to stick to 1,200 Cal's a day! My husband can eat 4X what I can and not gain a lb...

    Y'all can add me! :)