
When doing abs do you use weights?

If so do you think it will increase your waist size lets say after a few years of training?

If abs muscles are like all your other muscles they would grow? Right?

"None body fat or diet related. Just muscle size and waist circumference."

Your input is appreciated.



  • neutroncore
    neutroncore Posts: 36 Member
    If you currently have significant visceral fat ( belly fat) and you managed to melt it down and replaced it with lean muscle, the the waist circumference will most likely be reduced. If you dont have any belly fat right now and you went nut with abs in this case, if it increased your waist circumference it will be in healthy side increase providing there is 6 packs visible and no visceral fat.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I do not do weighted ab work. I'm pretty much just ab rolling at this point as far as direct ab work goes. It makes sense to me that weighted work would grow abs but I'm not sure how quickly or easily that happens. Are abs like calves where some people are more apt to see growth/size than others? I don't know.