Achilles Tendon Pain

dsak Posts: 367 Member
So... I've started to increase my "jogging" time on the treadmill, and had been doing very well up until last Thursday. My walk/jog went well, but I noticed a pain in the heel/back of the heel of my foot. I had been trying to walk/jog daily up until that point.... for at least 30-45 minutes. Wondering if maybe I pushed it too much (ya know... since I'm still a beginner). It was pretty sore that afternoon/night, but I rested for the next 3 days. Got on the treadmill again this AM. All went OK with no pain, and to be safe, I iced it down for a bit when I finished. I'm not in any major pain, but my heel is a little tender now. I did warm up before my walk/jog, and I stretched after.

Has anyone experienced this before? And if so, how long did you rest before actively starting again.... and staying pain free? Also, anything I can do to prevent this injury in the future?


  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
    Hopefully it's not what causes my achilles pain which is bone spurs...the pain has lessened over the years, but I still have to be careful and wear shoes with good support. And I now have these bumps on the back of my feet...

    Hope it feels better soon!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I would make sure you have really good running shoes. heal pain is really not something you want to mess with. If it last much longer, get to a podiatrist.
  • llm12
    llm12 Posts: 49
    If it is the bottom of the heel, then it sounds like plantar fascitis. This is not something to mess with! I have it and have to practically baby my foot. I would recommend going to a store that specializing in running/running shoes. They can tell you how to take care of your foot and get you the running shoes that best fit your foot.
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    I've actually pulled mine. They gave me Motrin and told me to ice and stretch it. Make sure your stretching well before hand this will help keep you from over stretching it when you run. nothing is fun like walking funny for a week because you can't flex your leg well.
  • KJ7777
    KJ7777 Posts: 47 Member
    I have a similar problem, when you rub my achilles its got a bump on it which my doctor just said take paracetamol for & if it gets worse come back. When i work out on the treadmil it always hurts but i thought it was more my trainers as the doctor did say it can be caused by high fitted shoes the rub it.
    It dies down to a dull ache then every now & then it will flair up again.
    Sorry that i dont have any suggestions but im there with you with the pain :(
  • vthomeschoolmom
    vthomeschoolmom Posts: 18 Member
    Many injuries are caused by improper running technique. Many people incorrectly believe that striking first with the heel and then rolling the foot to the tow is correct technique. Recent research indicates that this is not true. A flat foot fall or ball of the foot fall is much less injury prone.

    To test this out for yourself, try this. Try to run across your living room or hallway in bare feet with a heel strike. IF you can even manage to do it, it will hurt.

    The shoe industry would have you believe that the correct shoes will help. Alas recent research indicates that the shoes are part of the problem. They encourage heel striking.

    I am not a big runner, but my husband is. He swears by Vibram 5 fingers.
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    Thanks everyone... I actually searched on the internet to find a specialty running store near me, and I think I'll take a trip there to look at some new running shoes. I love my current running shoes, but... maybe they just aren't right for me. We'll see. Also good to know that I hopefully won't be sidelined for a long time.... I'll just rest periodically, if needed, and... ice and stretch.