Looking for advice on 1200 cal diet

Hi, I'm new to trying the 1200 cal diet, I find I am hungry say an hour after eating and nothing seems filling, could anyone give me ideas on what to eat on this diet?


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    What are you eating now?

    Many people who are hungry on 1,200 calories have set a goal that is too aggressive. How did you decide on 1,200 as a goal? Would it be possible for you to eat more?
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    I am on 1200. I exercise a lot now so that I can have 1400.

    I skip breakfast and have a coffee for about 100 calories.

    That leaves me 2 meals at 400 and 600 calories each. And 2 snacks for 150 each.

    I try to pack them with protein and veg. Lunch today was scrambled egg whites, one yellow, green beans, tomato, onion and fresh chilies.

    Dinner will be bbq prawns and a green papaya salad with peanuts.

    For snack I will have a banana and maybe a piece of toast with my tea at night.

    You can do a lot with 1200 if you are careful with the fats and choose lean proteins.

  • angeljo2015
    angeljo2015 Posts: 121 Member
    I chose 1200 as this is what I was led to believe you needed to lose weight. Typical day for me is

    40g bran flakes with semi skimmed milk and a few grapes or berries

    Snack of a nkd bar or some fruit

    Lunch wholemeal sandwich with chicken and a thin scraping of mayo with weight watchers crisps

    Snack of fruit or yogurt

    Dinner varies from chicken roast, gammon meal, fish meal
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I chose 1200 as this is what I was led to believe you needed to lose weight. Typical day for me is

    40g bran flakes with semi skimmed milk and a few grapes or berries

    Snack of a nkd bar or some fruit

    Lunch wholemeal sandwich with chicken and a thin scraping of mayo with weight watchers crisps

    Snack of fruit or yogurt

    Dinner varies from chicken roast, gammon meal, fish meal

    I don't know your current weight, your goals, and your activity level, but it's totally possible that you could possibly lose weight on more than 1,200 calories. Have you tried entering your stats and goals into MFP and seeing what calorie goal is suggested for you?
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    Hey there. If your body is used to getting a lot more than 1200 calories, it's gonna be a difficult drop. Also, if your stomach is used to getting a certain volume of food (i.e., you always eat until you're stuffed), you're going to feel hungry until it starts shrinking on it's own. Here's a few bits of advice:
    - Start out a little higher. You could track a regular day and see where you land and make adjustments from there. Maybe start out at 1500 this week, drop it to 1400 next, and so on.
    - Try eating smaller meals more frequently. Maybe eating six times a day might work out better for you.
    - Watch your nutrition. We've been told fat=evil, and that's not true. Make sure you're eating a balanced diet and you're not trying to cut out fat completely. Fat keeps you full! If you're feeling hungry, trying eating a few (4-6) almonds or other nuts. After 20 minutes, reevaluate.
    - Are you thirsty? We have a tendency to confuse hunger and thirst. Grab 8oz of water, drink it, and reevaluate.
    - Remind yourself it's okay to be hungry. It's human instinct to seek out food from our hunter/gatherer days when food may have been scarce. You shouldn't be hungry an hour after you eat, but if you know dinner is at 6 and you're hungry at 5, that's okay!
  • angeljo2015
    angeljo2015 Posts: 121 Member
    I chose 1200 as this is what I was led to believe you needed to lose weight. Typical day for me is

    40g bran flakes with semi skimmed milk and a few grapes or berries

    Snack of a nkd bar or some fruit

    Lunch wholemeal sandwich with chicken and a thin scraping of mayo with weight watchers crisps

    Snack of fruit or yogurt

    Dinner varies from chicken roast, gammon meal, fish meal

    I don't know your current weight, your goals, and your activity level, but it's totally possible that you could possibly lose weight on more than 1,200 calories. Have you tried entering your stats and goals into MFP and seeing what calorie goal is suggested for you?

    I weigh 11 stone and would like to get down to ten stone or just below that, I'll try entering my stats on mfp, I do a physical job in the week.
  • angeljo2015
    angeljo2015 Posts: 121 Member
    303lissy wrote: »
    Hey there. If your body is used to getting a lot more than 1200 calories, it's gonna be a difficult drop. Also, if your stomach is used to getting a certain volume of food (i.e., you always eat until you're stuffed), you're going to feel hungry until it starts shrinking on it's own. Here's a few bits of advice:
    - Start out a little higher. You could track a regular day and see where you land and make adjustments from there. Maybe start out at 1500 this week, drop it to 1400 next, and so on.
    - Try eating smaller meals more frequently. Maybe eating six times a day might work out better for you.
    - Watch your nutrition. We've been told fat=evil, and that's not true. Make sure you're eating a balanced diet and you're not trying to cut out fat completely. Fat keeps you full! If you're feeling hungry, trying eating a few (4-6) almonds or other nuts. After 20 minutes, reevaluate.
    - Are you thirsty? We have a tendency to confuse hunger and thirst. Grab 8oz of water, drink it, and reevaluate.
    - Remind yourself it's okay to be hungry. It's human instinct to seek out food from our hunter/gatherer days when food may have been scarce. You shouldn't be hungry an hour after you eat, but if you know dinner is at 6 and you're hungry at 5, that's okay!

    Thank you for your tips and advice, maybe I need a few more calories but worried I won't lose weight
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    I chose 1200 as this is what I was led to believe you needed to lose weight. Typical day for me is

    40g bran flakes with semi skimmed milk and a few grapes or berries

    Snack of a nkd bar or some fruit

    Lunch wholemeal sandwich with chicken and a thin scraping of mayo with weight watchers crisps

    Snack of fruit or yogurt

    Dinner varies from chicken roast, gammon meal, fish meal

    I don't know your current weight, your goals, and your activity level, but it's totally possible that you could possibly lose weight on more than 1,200 calories. Have you tried entering your stats and goals into MFP and seeing what calorie goal is suggested for you?

    I weigh 11 stone and would like to get down to ten stone or just below that, I'll try entering my stats on mfp, I do a physical job in the week.

    Given your starting weight and that you work a physically active job, I'm going to guess that if you choose a reasonable goal for weight loss (.5-1 pound a week), then you will have more than 1,200 calories to eat. Eating more makes weight loss much more fun!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I chose 1200 as this is what I was led to believe you needed to lose weight. Typical day for me is

    40g bran flakes with semi skimmed milk and a few grapes or berries

    Snack of a nkd bar or some fruit

    Lunch wholemeal sandwich with chicken and a thin scraping of mayo with weight watchers crisps

    Snack of fruit or yogurt

    Dinner varies from chicken roast, gammon meal, fish meal

    1200 is MFP's default minimum. It's appropriate for very petite and/or senior ladies. Most other women get 1200 by having an aggressive weekly weight loss goal. Also keep in mind that 1200 is BEFORE exercise. Add some activity "earn" more calories. Be warned MFP's calorie burn estimates are generous, most people eat back only 50-75%.

    Whatever goal you choose, make sure it is something you can live with for awhile.

    Protein, fat and fiber are all filling. Some people can stay full on non-fat protein (not me). You will need to find the right mix.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I don't know your current weight, your goals, and your activity level, but it's totally possible that you could possibly lose weight on more than 1,200 calories. Have you tried entering your stats and goals into MFP and seeing what calorie goal is suggested for you?

    Without knowing your stats, we can't give any advice.
    Enter your stats into MFP, with a goal of losing 1 lb/week. Eat that many calories each day to lose 1 lb/week.
    If you exercise, eat back 1/2 of the calories that MFP says you burned to fuel that exercise. Your day would then be MFP calories + 1/2 exercise calories.

  • angeljo2015
    angeljo2015 Posts: 121 Member
    I entered my stats and to lose one pound a week and being active I should have 1,650 calories
  • Littlemissweber
    Littlemissweber Posts: 15 Member
    edited February 2016
    Currently I'm on an order in diet but a typical day of 1200kcal when I home make things is as follows;

    Banana 80kcal
    1/2 cup rolled oats 150kcal
    1 apple 50kcal
    150ml Almond milk 40kcal
    Xylitol sweetener 20kcal
    + 500ml water

    Mid-morning snack
    2 Dark chocolate oat biscuits 90kcal
    +large mug green tea

    1 Wholemeal wrap 200kcal
    handful chicken 80kcal
    Kale 20kcal
    reduced fat hummus 100kcal
    +500ml water

    Mid-afternoon snack
    1/2 cucumber 20kcal
    20 plum tomatos 30kcal
    +coffee with xylitol and (approx 200ml) almond milk (50kcal)

    Minestrone 120kcal
    Small bread roll 150kcal
    +500ml water

    2 plums 60kcal

    I always feel full but I had to get used to eating like this plus I drink a lot!
    I also practise a form of fasting which is basically I only eat for an 8 hour period (max) in 24 hours, it's like fasting but you get to eat still, I just leave a really long time between my last meal of the day before and my first meal of the day. I guess I feel hungry when I'm not eating but a) in the morning that doesn't matter to me because I've already gone 12+ hours not eating so its got past the bad stage and b) at night I'm not really doing much except sitting at my desk/on the sofa, and if I'm going out that's a cheat day anyway. So for the time that I am eating I'm always full and satisfied and got used to the fasting times and don't really notice it now.

    I exercise between 2 and 5 times a week. Two 1 hour sessions of gymnastics (strength session+skills session) and up to 3 5-10km runs a week depending on how lazy I am.

    I have more 'typical meals' I can suggest, ones bought from shops too if you're interested :)

  • CharlieBxox
    CharlieBxox Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on 1200 at the moment. My normal day on 1200 is usually something like:

    - Porridge oats with 30ml Soya (Light) milk and 1tbsp of honey or 1 slice of toast with peanut butter and marmite
    - Chicken breast, grated carrot, mixed leaf salad and some cheese or 1 bowl of soup
    - Snack 0.5 cup of blueberries or a nut bar
    - Home-made meal (e.g spaghetti bolognaise with 100g beef mince, chopped tomatoes, onion and 100g cooked pasta)

    I found it quite hard to begin with so I started off at 1470 cals (0.5kg per week, sedentary job) and slowly reduced. I like being on 1200cal now though as it really motivates me to do exercise as well. If I want more food I have to work for it, but my body has adjusted quite well and I always eat back 1/2 my exercise calories so as not to go in to "starvation mode". The only times I go over are when I'm PMSing or have dinner out.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I entered my stats and to lose one pound a week and being active I should have 1,650 calories

    That sounds much better :)

  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    Eat enough per meal until your full. If you are still hungry drink water, you may be thirsty.
  • MudstainSally
    MudstainSally Posts: 571 Member
    edited February 2016
    You should open up your diary so we can see what you're currently eating and provide some stats on your height, age, current weight. I'm on about 1280 right now. I try and eat a lot of lean protein and fiber. My diary is open and you can see what I eat. Some days I eat a little more because of workouts, but I don't aim to eat back all my workout calories.

    Disclaimer, I'm only two weeks into this, and I'm in a mindset I've never been in before. I will not fail myself this time.

    When I get hungry, I drink water or tea and I get up and do something. Most of the time when I'm 'hungry' it's because I'm sitting on my recliner where I used to binge eat snacks. If I'm still hungry an hour later, I eat something.

    Some days I skip my snacks so I can eat a bigger dinner or go out. I'm not starving and most days I feel fed all day, eating a little bit of something every couple hours.

  • krouch17
    krouch17 Posts: 15 Member
    Make sure you are eating at least every 3 hours. Small snacks make a big difference!
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    I'm on 1200cals..I'm 5'2 160lbs (appr 11.4 stone?) I've increased my intake to btwn 1300-1400 because I see better weight loss at this..

    breakfast- Lean Shake or oatmeal with 1/4cup 2% milk 170cals 9:30-10a
    snack -banana 100 11:30-noon
    lunch -a meat and a veg , sometimes a lean cuisine 300-400cals 1:30-2p
    snack-apple sauce, yougurt, or some other fruit 100 5p
    dinner- a meat a veg and a carb(like wheat spaghetti or baked sweet potato) 300-400cals 7-8pm
    snack-another fruit 100 9p,
    another shake if i go to the gym late ( I go btwn 10p and midnight) 170cals

    1240-1440cals a day

    Like krouch17 said eat around every few hours...you'll see a difference

    Ohhhhh....1 more thing....How much water are you drinking? You may not be hungry, you may be thristy. Between those meals drink 2-4 cups of water!!!!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I entered my stats and to lose one pound a week and being active I should have 1,650 calories

    That sounds better. Enjoy the journey. You can do this now!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,109 Member
    Mfp gives me 1230 calories to lose 1 pound a week and 1200 to lose 1.5 or 2. I thought that was a little low so I changed my goal to 1300. I eat back about 75% of my exercise calories (if I'm feeling really hungry I eat them all.) I usually end up eating anywhere from 1350 to 1600 per day. I have been losing at a rate of 1.4 pounds per week and am halfway to my goal of losing 60 pounds. I haven't significantly changed what I eat. I do try to get more protien and eat less sugary snacks. Mostly I eat less sweets because I don't want to waste my calories on things that don't fill me up or get me to my nutrition goals. So what I want to eat has changed a little, but I don't deny myself any one thing. I usually eat 3 meals a day and maybe a snack in the evening. I always eat a snack in the evening if I find that I'm not close enough to my goal. I will eat snacks during the day if I need to, but I rarely do. I try to make sure that I am actually hungry and not just bored before I eat a snack. I try to eat boiled eggs for breakfast several times a week or oatmeal. These things usually leave me full until lunch time. I eat Greek yogurt. I especially love the Chobani flips. They have a lot of protien, plus they are sweet and I do have a sweet tooth. I also love cheese. The laughing cow cheese wedges are great because they are perfect little portions. I really like the Fiber One brownies when I'm in the mood for something cakey and they have lots of good flavors. I try to eat more foods that fill me up and not just "empty" calories. I eat tuna several times a week. It is especially good with avocado and that is very filling. 1200 can be hard (I upped my calories from there and I just ordered a fitbit. I think my activity level may actually be higher than I thought it was even though I have a desk job.) But 1200-1300 is doable if you try to make sure that all of the calories count. I had a donut on valentine's day. It fit into my calorie goal and while it was tasty, it dissolved in my mouth and I didn't feel like I had eaten anything. I won't be wanting any donuts for awhile because even though they taste good they don't fill me up and they don't help me reach my goal. I think no matter what your calorie goal is, if you look for foods that will fill you up and leave you satisfied then you will be able to stick to it.