28 years old, 80lbs to lose

Hi everyone! My name is Dani, I'm 28 years old, and the heaviest I've ever been... I have 80 lbs to lose, and with so many success stories I've seen I know I can do this!! Goodluck!!


  • monkeylyn42
    monkeylyn42 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello dani seems were the same age and have the same goal. What do you find the hardest part of your journey
  • karen21_21
    karen21_21 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Dani! Am 25 and I have almost the same amount to lose. This is also the heaviest I've ever been and finally decided that enough is enough. Sometimes I get over whelmed by the amount that I need to lose because I wish the weight will drop of quicker and I always seem to fail that way. So this time am approaching it in a much healthier manner and just taking it one day at a time. Best of luck!
  • danigarcia818
    danigarcia818 Posts: 9 Member
    I think it's getting up and being active!! I work and go to school full time, so exercising is not the thing I want to do in my free time! But I've resolved that from here on, I am going to introduce more activity into my daily life!! What about you?
    Hello dani seems were the same age and have the same goal. What do you find the hardest part of your journey

  • danigarcia818
    danigarcia818 Posts: 9 Member
    Good for you! Goodluck to us both!!
    karen21_21 wrote: »
    Hi Dani! Am 25 and I have almost the same amount to lose. This is also the heaviest I've ever been and finally decided that enough is enough. Sometimes I get over whelmed by the amount that I need to lose because I wish the weight will drop of quicker and I always seem to fail that way. So this time am approaching it in a much healthier manner and just taking it one day at a time. Best of luck!

  • Vido_P
    Vido_P Posts: 93
    Best of luck!
  • johannah_banana
    johannah_banana Posts: 8 Member
    Hello ladies. I am 28 uears old and I would like to loose 50lbs. Today is day 1 for me. I could really use a few weight loss buddies.