When will 1200 calories satisfy me?



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    size102b wrote: »
    Go on healthyeater.com use the calculator to work out your calories 1200 is a universal setting in mfp

    It's "universal" when most women who are not morbidly obese set their goal to lose 2 pounds per week. It's because MFP's lowest setting is 1200 and due to how little most women burn without exercise it's nearly impossible to subtract 1,000 calories per day from their estimated daily burns.

    The OP reduced her desired weekly weight loss and got more calories. She's also at a light weight for her height, so several of us suggested looking into recomposition rather than weight loss.
  • mojcakosi88
    mojcakosi88 Posts: 5 Member
    As I said, I believe that people have to find out what works best for them since there can hardly be found a one-diet-fits-all plan. And of course it's impossible to avoid the carbs completely, I still get enough of them from fruits and vegetables and I do increase the intake of carbs on training days, but keeping them around 50 g per day works best for me as it gives me enough energy to do weight lifting and burn the body fat at the same time. I know that after a certain period of time this will level out and I will have to tweak my strength training as the linear progress will eventually stop, but until I hit my desired weight or if the strength training becomes difficult to the point it prevents me from lifting effectively, I'm not increasing my daily calorie intake. But as I said, that's just me, I'm not promoting any diet as universal or the best.
  • CFoust72591
    CFoust72591 Posts: 62 Member
    I was pretty hungry the first two weeks of a 1200 calorie diet, but now I'm three months in and I don't even usually hit the 1200, and I feel completely satisfied.
  • CFoust72591
    CFoust72591 Posts: 62 Member
    Feel free to add me if you would like
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    As Mistraal suggested, it's very important what you eat. I'm currently on a 1200 kcal diet + strength training 4 times a week and I'm losing app. half a kilo a week. I follow a low-carb vegetarian diet and I have to say that 1200 kcal fits my needs perfectly although I do realize that once the muscles start to grow I will have to increase my daily calorie intake. Try to cut on the carbs and boost your fat and proteins which will give you the much needed feeling of being full after meals and prevent you from food cravings. I eat only three times per day and I don't feel energy deprived at all. I lost 2 kilos in 4 weeks and I plan to go through with the set goals at least for three months. But then again I have much more weight to lose than you - my current weight at 163 cm is 63 kilos, started at 65, and still have 8 more to lose. Different goals require different tactics and what might work for some might not work for others. Good luck!

    Whilst low carb is a way of eating that you enjoy it is not a truism that only fats or protein are sating

    Many, me included, find that a good balance of carbs helps me feel full which going low carb never would achieve ..it is about finding what works for the individual

    Your height, weight and activity level also impact on levels of satiety ...the OP is very active and it is important she appropriately fuels her body ...for me carbs are an excellent source of fuel

    I would suggest with only 8 kilos to lose you also may benefit from slowing your weight loss by eating more

    Your body needs 0 carbs. You will not die without them. You will die without sufficient fat and protein. It has been proven scientifically more than once that protein and fat are more satiating than carbs. We get into the habit of thinking we need carbs to be satisfied. Habits are not needs.

    Fat has not been unambiguously proven to be more satiating than carbs+protein.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    As Mistraal suggested, it's very important what you eat. I'm currently on a 1200 kcal diet + strength training 4 times a week and I'm losing app. half a kilo a week. I follow a low-carb vegetarian diet and I have to say that 1200 kcal fits my needs perfectly although I do realize that once the muscles start to grow I will have to increase my daily calorie intake. Try to cut on the carbs and boost your fat and proteins which will give you the much needed feeling of being full after meals and prevent you from food cravings. I eat only three times per day and I don't feel energy deprived at all. I lost 2 kilos in 4 weeks and I plan to go through with the set goals at least for three months. But then again I have much more weight to lose than you - my current weight at 163 cm is 63 kilos, started at 65, and still have 8 more to lose. Different goals require different tactics and what might work for some might not work for others. Good luck!

    Whilst low carb is a way of eating that you enjoy it is not a truism that only fats or protein are sating

    Many, me included, find that a good balance of carbs helps me feel full which going low carb never would achieve ..it is about finding what works for the individual

    Your height, weight and activity level also impact on levels of satiety ...the OP is very active and it is important she appropriately fuels her body ...for me carbs are an excellent source of fuel

    I would suggest with only 8 kilos to lose you also may benefit from slowing your weight loss by eating more

    Your body needs 0 carbs. You will not die without them. You will die without sufficient fat and protein. It has been proven scientifically more than once that protein and fat are more satiating than carbs. We get into the habit of thinking we need carbs to be satisfied. Habits are not needs.

    This is incorrect. The body can function on little carbs and can produce some - but there is no one on earth living on zero carbs. A low carb vegetarian diet has ... carbs.

    You are actually losing weight from the calorie deficit of 1200 versus your needed TDEE, not because of low carb magic.

    Satiety is a very personal and lifestyle related function.
  • Amyskye123
    Amyskye123 Posts: 30 Member
    It will satisfy you , when you start to eat proper nutritious food. By this I mean with every meal having protein, good fats and complex carb. A perfect example would be meat, avocado and egg whites and sweet potato . Almonds, scrambled eggs cooked in coconut oil are all brilliant examples of how to keep yourself satiated for a rather large period of time!! I am literally never hungry since doing
    This :-)