Goal: to not let these two autoimmune diseases define me

I was once an active runner that completed several half marathons and countless other races. I was a soccer player all through childhood and played in college. I injured my IT band and it sidelined me. Then I became pregnant. And after I tried to get my stride back but I just couldn't. Long story short I was diagnosed with two autoimmune diseases that simply kick my *kitten*. The flairs are hell as they are such a stark contrast to my good days. Those flairs last weeks at a time.

Today I've decided enough is enough. I will do whatever my body allows me.

And today I was able to walk 3 miles in the sunshine. To me, this is a huge accomplishment that rivals when I placed 3rd in a 15k race.

My goal is to take this as each day is presented and to not become competitive with myself-- which is a natural habit.

Wish me luck!


  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    edited February 2016
    Good luck! I also have an autoimmune disease which kicks me in the butt! I'm on a biologic and an immumomodifier and am in partial remission at the moment but the fatigue and chronic pain is still bad. I lift heavy and try to get to the gym but I do listen to my body more as I almost died from ignoring the symptoms of my disease until it was almost too late.
  • islesk485
    islesk485 Posts: 4 Member
    How long have you been training while being diagnosed? Was it also an eternity until you were diagnosed?
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    I have Crohn's and attributed my symptoms to IBS so ignored symptoms for a long time and the drs thought it was IBS until I was seriously ill. It took a long time to be taken seriously but I was diagnosed during my colonoscopy. I had to take 10 months off as I flared that entire time (after diagnosis). It took that long for my meds to start working. I started back at the gym in October.
  • Dstny1957
    Dstny1957 Posts: 51 Member
    I truly understand. I was probably in the best condition of my life, when I started getting a funky rash and was in horrific pain. The simple task of washing my hair would almost put me over the edge. I had a lot of trouble holding my arms up. Not to mention the fatigue. It's crazy, you are exhausted, but you can't sleep because you hurt so badly. Autoimmune diseases suck!!! It's been a hard road back, but I'm so grateful for each and every day. I applaud Isles485, those 3 miles are truly golden!!! Good going!
  • islesk485
    islesk485 Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you so much! It's oddly comforting to know that others are going through a similar scenario! Great work to you as well!!!