Looking for accountabuddies!

Hey ya'll I'm Kenzie, all the way over here in idaho! I'm a single mom of THREE BOYS, full time nursing student, EMT, fitness fanatic! Started my journey two years ago after having my third Boy at 230 pounds! Today I'm down to 178 and striving for greatness! I've had to completely change my life which has left me with few friends. Just looking for some good people on the same path to turn to when I need a push :)


  • LauraRose1106
    LauraRose1106 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey ya'll I'm Kenzie, all the way over here in idaho! I'm a single mom of THREE BOYS, full time nursing student, EMT, fitness fanatic! Started my journey two years ago after having my third Boy at 230 pounds! Today I'm down to 178 and striving for greatness! I've had to completely change my life which has left me with few friends. Just looking for some good people on the same path to turn to when I need a push :)

    Sounds like you're doing an amazing job Kenzie!!! Please add me as a friend, I will help keep you motivated! I', Laura by the way! lol :)
  • N_worsham34
    N_worsham34 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Nicolas. Just joined! Not sure how things work but add me. I gave up drinking and smoking and lost 20 lbs. Now I'm looking to take another 20 off! Most of my friends disappeared when I quit 6 months ago. Lets motivate : )
  • kenzisjayne
    kenzisjayne Posts: 7 Member
    Heck yes!!! A dingy one in the same! That is basically my story! Half my friends felt that I became snobby two years ago when I quit smoking and the rest here recently when I quit drinking. Thanks for responding! It's nice to know I'm not alone!
  • tronrulez
    tronrulez Posts: 58 Member
    Lost all my friends when I gave up drinking... It sucks but this lifestyle is the only way to go. Congrats...