Turbo Fire

Anyone have good luck with this? Ive done p90x in the past... wanting to start something new... is this any good? why do all the video have chicks and 1 dude. lol

Any input in appreciated.


  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
    my personal opinion. all workouts have the same moves. i own insanity and turbo fire and jilliam michaels burn fat boost met. and 30 day shred. they all do the same moves. but if you have the money to spend i would say go for it. but they are ok.
  • ltbrdg
    ltbrdg Posts: 19
    I absolutely love Turbo Fire! I've managed to lose almost 50lbs doing it. There are definitely more women in the video but there are some guys in it too. If you're concerned that it's too wimpy, don't be. Those HIITS are killer for anyone!
  • datguy2011
    datguy2011 Posts: 477 Member
    buy? yeah.. i'll let that comment go. lol Alright.. i'll give it a shot... thanks girls!