AHH The INCREDIBLE Edible Sweet Potato!

EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
Someone recently called the Sweet Potato the most complete food there is. After research, I TOTALLY Agree, it is a SUPER, SUPER FOOD! Not only that, it Tastes Great. I have recently started putting it in My oatmeal (another great food) and I am feeling great about that decision. The nutrients in just a cup of mashed sweet potatoes are amazing, in addition it is LOW Glycemic and Very Low Inflammatory (it actually is an ANTI-INFLAMMATORY.) How in the world did "we" choose the white potato to "fall in love with?" No more for Me!!!

As a chip or fry, in a smoothie or pie...It's about the sweet potato!


  • sbrown6
    sbrown6 Posts: 334 Member
    You are too cute. In honor of you, I will have some sweet potato at dinner tonight!
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    well said. sweet potatoes are great!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I just bought a few sweet potatoes last weekend.....what are your favorite ways to eat them??
  • nisharae
    nisharae Posts: 204
    This is weird but my favorite meal lately: a cooked sweet potato with pepper and low sodium cottage cheese on top ... yummmm complex carbs and protein = one amazing meal (at only 200 cals mind you ;) )
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    :happy: Thank-You!

    I put them in as much as possible..."savory" or "sweet." Savory: I eat them as My side dish (mashed or fries or as a baked potato) with meat/fish/chicken and veggies. Add any seasoning you like. Sweet: I add sugar/sugar sub, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla or lemon...put a little whip topping and eat as a dessert or add to My oatmeal or in a smoothie. Of course the "pie" or bake and add marshmallows.

    Experiment with the taste, you really can not mess it up! Eat Up!
  • mbeuchert24
    mbeuchert24 Posts: 204 Member
    I actually prefer sweet potatoes over "white" potatoes...and I always have! I don't buy them that often because my husband does not like them. I love them mashed with a little cinnamon, I love sweet potato fries and sweet potato chips!
  • PirateJenny
    PirateJenny Posts: 233
    I had a sweet potato last night!

    My two favorite methods:

    Halve sweet potato lengthways and then cut each half into four wedges. Spray or brush with a small amount of olive oil (half a teaspoon is ample) and the sprinkle with salt, chili powder, granulated garlic and cumin. Roast in a high heat oven until both sides of the wedges are browned.

    Roast whole sweet potato in the oven with the jacket on (poke a few hole with a fork) then mash with a little milk (I use a milk substitute) salt, ginger and curry. I usually add green peas and a roasted and mashed tomato to this.

    Also good, but a bit higher in fat:

    Slice (I use a mandolin) sweet potatoes into thin rounds. Toss with a little nutmeg (very very little, it goes a long way) and a mild herb like dill or tarragon. Layer the sweet potato in a deep casserole dish with a small amount of finely shredded dry, sharp cheese (Asiago works well, Gruyere would be nice, too) and then pour a small amount of milk over the top (shake the dish so the milk distributes evenly). Bake until browned, let set for at least 15-20 minutes before serving.

    You are awesome for having a forum post about loving the divine sweet potato!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I love sweet potatoes tossed with garlic, olive oil and italian seasoning and roasted in the oven until tender. So yummy!!!
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE sweet potatoes!!!! My favorite way to cook them lately is to cut them into ~3/4 to 1 inch slices, brush a little olive oil on them, and throw them on the grill. They get beautiful grill lines, with a crispy outside and a tender inside... Had them last night as a matter of fact! YUMMM.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,275 Member
    Love all the creative ideas for this great food. Can't figure out whay some people don't care for them. Definitely am going to try the grilling idea with summer coming up.
  • amylrach
    amylrach Posts: 30 Member
    I LOVE sweet potatoes!!! I had one last night for dinner along with a salad. One of my favorite 'light' meals!! :happy:
  • bigislandgrrl
    bigislandgrrl Posts: 196 Member
    Thanks Mike523 !!! Will be grilling some of these babies pronto! :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I like to dice 3-4 of them, top them with rosemary and 1 tbsp melted butter and 2 tbsp olive oil, toss them to mix. Drop a little parsley on top and bake for 30 minutes. Makes a great side :)
  • cupcakecarnivore
    One of my favorite quick weekday meals involves my favorite kind of potato;)

    Baked sweet potato with vegetarian baked beans on top....so simple but so yummy!
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    I just got 10 sweet potatoes yesterday. I love just throwing them in a cast iron skillet and baking them in the oven. I put a little olive oil spread and splenda brown sugar blend in it. In the past I would load it down with butter, brown sugar, and even marshmallow fluff!! I need try some the ideas that I have seen on here.

    My poor hubby is in the process of getting dentures. He had 9 molars pulled last Tuesday and 5 of those were surgical removals that involved the use of a bone saw and big 'ol drill (not the one like they use when you have a cavity). He only has his top 6 teeth on the top and bottom. He has been eating tons of sweet potatoes. Tonight he made a sweet potato smoothie and added baked chicken to it so he could get his protein for the day.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    :happy: Thank-You!

    I put them in as much as possible..."savory" or "sweet." Savory: I eat them as My side dish (mashed or fries or as a baked potato) with meat/fish/chicken and veggies. Add any seasoning you like. Sweet: I add sugar/sugar sub, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla or lemon...put a little whip topping and eat as a dessert or add to My oatmeal or in a smoothie. Of course the "pie" or bake and add marshmallows.

    Experiment with the taste, you really can not mess it up! Eat Up!

    I have never tried a savory sweet potato recipe. I will have to take some of these suggestions and see how they taste.
  • Losing2Live69
    Losing2Live69 Posts: 743 Member
    Love all the creative ideas for this great food. Can't figure out whay some people don't care for them. Definitely am going to try the grilling idea with summer coming up.

    The only part of the sweet potato I don't like is the fibery stringy things in the each end. I just use a fork to remove that part once its cooked.