Bad back :(

Hi everyone :) I suffer from a bad back, most days well everyday I take painkillers to ease the pain, I know myself and a few have said it that my weight maybe the reason why I have a bad back but I feel in catch 22 as I can't do a lot of any exercise without being in pain. Even walking hurts soooo much. I've been referred to a physiotherapist I'm just waiting. But I need to lose weight to help the back pain. Does anyone have any advise or tips for me please on exercise ... Thank you :)


  • wendsg
    wendsg Posts: 698 Member
    I suffer from degenerative disc disease and have to receive cortisone injections every few months, so I feel you on the bad back and the pain interfering with exercise! To get in a decent workout, I swim! Very little stress on the joints, but if you focus on going as hard as you can rather than having a pleasure bop-along in the water, you can really, really work up a figurative sweat in no time flat.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Simple advice and I don't mean to be flippant. Eat less. You can lose weight if you eat less than you burn. I am able to exercise with a bad foot. But not much. I've had a bad back, but not as bad as yours. I put my info into MFP and try to keep at my calorie count to slowly lose weight and learn how to eat in appropriate portion sizes and keep my calories down. Read the success stories on here. They are amazing, and motivational. You can do this. Your back will thank you!
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited February 2016
    I have a bad back too.

    You can lose weight without any exercise as long as you have a calorie deficit. You have to log everything that goes into your mouth as accurately as possible. Weigh solid foods on a food scale and use measuring cups/spoons for liquids only.

    As for exercise, any movement is better than no movement. Walking across the room can be counted as a victory on difficult days.

    Don't expect to lose weight quickly. Even if all you can manage for now is to stop gaining, that's a plus.
  • summers09jo
    summers09jo Posts: 83 Member
    Hi :) thank you very much for your replies I'm very greatful for your advise. Your right!! Thanks all :)
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    edited February 2016
    I feel your pain! I've had 2 spinal surgeries and live with a titanium rod and various nuts and bolts holding my spine together. I've had serious back pain for nearly 20 years now. You are right - extra weight does contribute to feeling worse (in oh so many ways). You are right, it's hard to exercise when you hurt. That being said, if you give into the pain and give up on regular exercise, you will only compound your health problems in the end. My life is proof of that. I now have end-stage COPD to go along with the pain and live tethered by an oxygen hose.

    My approach to exercise:
    1. I don't take opiate pain meds. I don't see them as a solution for long-term pain. I take ibuprofen on a daily basis but carefully track how much I take and when because I don't want kidney problems.
    2. I ride a stationary bike for 30-50 minutes 4 days a week. It's a semi-recumbent bike that offers good back support. Here's the bike I bought and I really like it:
    3. I was taking water aerobic classes twice a week last summer and will be starting them again soon. Water is our friend!!!
    4. I play senior's Chair Volleyball twice a week for two hours each day.

    By maintaining a routine of exercise 6 days-a-week (for at least 20 minutes) and modifying my diet (logging what I eat, lowering my caloric intake and modifying my food choices over time), I've lost a little over 35 pounds in the past year and a half. I know that's not astounding but it has certainly improved my health and state of mind. I'm still in pain but I'm enjoying life much more. Asked her secret to longevity, the 106 year-old woman on the news this morning simply replied, "just keep movin'!" I think she is on to something!

  • summers09jo
    summers09jo Posts: 83 Member
    Hi socalkay oh sorry to hear about your health problems :( sounds very painful and your right you can't give into pain as it will take over and like I've done tbh given up then. Wow that bike looks fab total support for your back, I've got a standard exercise bike and cross trainer all in one but I think your bike would suit me more thank you. Yes I take ibuprofen and zapain ( cocodemols) every day and I use back massagers and tiger balm. Just to ease the pain a little. I realise my almost 16st of weight is not helping my back all what so ever but it is hard to exercise and like others have said and your self diet and slight movement is better than nothing at all :) thanks very much for all your advise. Your success is absolutely amazing well done and I think your right that lady is bang on keep moving is the key lol :)
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    edited February 2016
    Eat less than you burn and try to avoid pain killers is the best advice I have.
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    edited February 2016
    I have a lot of back issues as well - degenerative disc disease, and arthritis, etc. I've just started physio, but you can lose weight without exercise, by logging everything and staying under a reasonable calorie goal. If you do want to exercise in addition, I vote for swimming if you can. Or any other low impact exercise. I personally have a hard time saying "I can't" do something, but I'm learning that it's just not worth it to put my back into spasms. You CAN lose, you CAN get into better shape, but it will take some commitment to eating less, maybe eating better, and trying to move more without causing yourself more pain. Good luck :smile:

    Since Sept 1/15 I've lost over 50 lbs just by using MFP, staying under my calorie goals, and exercising as much as I can (3 days a week usually).
  • summers09jo
    summers09jo Posts: 83 Member
    Chieflrg wrote: »
    Eat less than you burn and try to avoid pain killers is the best advice I have.
    Thank you very much :)
  • summers09jo
    summers09jo Posts: 83 Member
    I have a lot of back issues as well - degenerative disc disease, and arthritis, etc. I've just started physio, but you can lose weight without exercise, by logging everything and staying under a reasonable calorie goal. If you do want to exercise in addition, I vote for swimming if you can. Or any other low impact exercise. I personally have a hard time saying "I can't" do something, but I'm learning that it's just not worth it to put my back into spasms. You CAN lose, you CAN get into better shape, but it will take some commitment to eating less, maybe eating better, and trying to move more without causing yourself more pain. Good luck :smile:

    Since Sept 1/15 I've lost over 50 lbs just by using MFP, staying under my calorie goals, and exercising as much as I can (3 days a week usually).

    Wow rose that's fantastic loss!! My gosh amazing well done :) yeah I've got a bad back every day it's endless but then if I do too much I pay for it with spasms and they are beyond painful :( I'm deffo eating less now and much healthier and going to walk a little every day as much as my back will let me in a bit embarrassed at the thought of even putting on a swimsuit at the moment unfortunately but would love swimming that is meant to be the best . Thanks very much for your advise :)