I lose and gain weight quite quickly

I seem to lose weight at a much faster rate than the app suggests - I'm not ill or anything. Does this have any inherent meaning ? I'm not very active :-(


  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    If you've just started, there is some evidence that suggest you tend to lose some water weight at the beginning. I don't know scientifically why that is the case. This could be the reason. The other possible solution is that you are not actually eating the calories that MFP is suggesting OR perhaps you set up MFP with the incorrect data about you body size/age mistakenly. I would suggest checking that.

    If you could tell us how much you've lost and what your calorie goal is along with your body stats i'm sure we could see if it sounds like it makes sense.

    Wishing you well.
  • cbtebb
    cbtebb Posts: 34 Member
    What Tom said! Also depending on how much you have to lose the first few weeks can see a drastic loss and then it will wain after 3-4 weeks. From what I understand this is just the body adjusting to the diet. It's well known that our fat stores are used for energy when we haven't consumed enough, so this could mean that your reduced intake of calories has seen your body munching down on your fat reserves for energy and hence a weight loss!

    That is how I understand it and I'm not a professional in nutrition so I could be wrong, and if anyone corrects me I'll take their info on board!

    Best of luck in your weight loss journey!
  • localgrr
    localgrr Posts: 99 Member
    I was 66kg my goal is 60 (but I might go for 55 at this rate!) I'm 5'4 and 36

    I've lost around 5kg in 22 days, I'm supposed to eat 1,360 a day - and that was on the 0.2kg loss a week plan, I'm definitely smashing that !

    I do tend to put on weight quite quickly though so could be my metabolism also...
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    Well can't say that I understand some of the medical conditions that could effect weight loss like thyroid issues and not suggesting that is the case for you but just to say that there are conditions that do affect weight loss....however, typically our metabolism is fairly stable and changing our eating or other things doesn't really cause it to change.....hence when we eat more than maybe we do when we are in a weight loss program we gain weight back again. Thats why we always hear about this needing to be a total lifestyle change. its really about us learning to eat at the level that our body needs and thats really only accomplished by tracking your calorie intake and making adjustments and learning our body. Its why people fail and get frustrated. They have "ideas" of how things "should" work but never prove out their theory and then fail and get frustrated and give up.

    I don't really consider my metabolism as a culprit. Its a non issue to me. The issue is learning how much to eat then evaluating the results on the scale and in the mirror and in how my clothes fit.
  • localgrr
    localgrr Posts: 99 Member
    My mum has a thyroid condition, worth looking in to maybe ? Can't do any harm ! My mother only realized she had this condition after she gave up smoking.

    Anyway, eating healthy has done me the world of good otherwise, it's so easy to grab a sandwich - I was eating 2 or 3 of the damn things a day. Good riddance, sandwiches ! Ohhh I do miss bread :P