60lbs to lose and determined!

Hello everyone! I've been gone from this site for about three years. The first time I lost a little over 30lbs but for some reason I went back to my old ways. Stress, work, emotions, who knows why. I am an emotional eater, as well has an eater that is influenced by other's food choices. If they had pizza at work, and everyone was was eating it, so was I. Now that I am staying home with my last little one, my only bad influence is my mother. Any time we go out, we always stop to eat, or snack. I am hoping to end that trend right here and take back control. Being over 200lbs is something I just cannot handle, and my current health has proved that I am not meant to be this way.
I am a mom to three boys, and some of my hobbies include knitting, crafts, Netflix sessions, gardening and taking care of my animals. I am some what of a nerd ( I hate to use that word though) I like a lot of the DC/Marvel movies, Sci Fi, things like that. I am a follower of many fandoms. In the summer I am out on the water, kayaking, camping, fishing, you name it.
I'd love to have some friends here, as I am not letting anyone in my circle in on what I am doing, except my immediately family of course. I love to see what others are accomplishing, it gives me a lot of motivation and having these forums really keeps me interested and social. So, please add me and lets do this thing!


  • jamesonmcgrew214
    Congrats on your loss. Looking for motivation and accountabilty.
  • scooterjen
    scooterjen Posts: 28 Member
    I love gardening too. I can't wait to get out and burn some calories on my favorite hobby this spring! My favorite show is The Walking Dead, although I've allowed myself to get a season behind because I dont' have AMC. I have 55 pounds to lose myself. Me and hubby fall into the "too busy to cook lets just stop and get some food on the way home trap"..lol. It's not a good thing in that respect that we work at the same place and keep the same hours. He is supportive of my efforts though and has been doing at home walking videos with me. He wants to lose some extra belly wt. he's accumulated. I am on my #2 week of MFP logging. We can do this!
  • cristysimental
    cristysimental Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, I am in a similar situation and am trying to lose 50-60 lbs myself. I joined MFP to find other ladies in similar situations, I feel that communities like this are helpful with motivation and accountability.

    I too love television series, but I need to get away from sooooo much screen time :-/ my husband and I watch The Flash, Arrow, and Walking Dead just to name a few... I look forward to meeting new friends on here :)