Advice from people who lost weight on vacation

laraaragon Posts: 90 Member
edited February 2016 in Health and Weight Loss
Next month is going be great and difficult at the same time. I'm in my bffs wedding one weekend and then I go on vacation for 9 days the next weekend. I've always gained weight on vacation (obviously food ;)) . But I have goals i really want to meet for the end of april and i see this being a huge setback for me. I wanted to mentally prepare myself early , mindset for success and all.


  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    My 2 cents:
    • Drink lots of water. Lots. Buy a water bottle wherever you go if you're not carrying your own and keep refilling that baby.
    • If at all possible, stay at a hotel with a gym and bring your workout clothes. For me, working out helps put me in the right mindset to make better choices throughout the day.
    • Moderation. Enjoy all the stuff you want to--but don't overindulge in everything just because you can. If you're traveling with a partner or friend, try to share dishes instead of getting your own so that you can have more things but in less amounts.
    • Stay active during the day--try to pick some activities for your trip that involve being outside or a lot of walking etc.
    • Watch the alcohol consumption.
    • Recognize that traveling (by air especially) does lead to some water retention so the first time you step on a scale when you get back isn't necessarily accurate to where you are.
    • Have fun! It's vacation--don't forget to enjoy yourself.
  • BoogeyBrat
    BoogeyBrat Posts: 212 Member
    edited February 2016
    I've managed to keep on track during vacations and special events by watching my portion sizes like a hawk, and being very careful with excesses like drinks and desserts. Restaurant meals can be tricky since the portions tend to be huge, but you can always split your entree with someone else, or get a take away box. For things like a wedding, I'll have a small slice of cake, but I will stay away from any other sweets at the reception, and I'll limit myself to two drinks.

    Whenever I feel my willpower lacking, I try to focus on my end goal. I visualize it in detail, and then ask myself if it's worth delaying over whatever I'm tempted by. the answer is no, 99% of the time.

    You can definitely keep up weight loss during vacation, it just takes an extra effort.
    SIMAKRA Posts: 97 Member
    Try a middle way, eat at maintenance, that leaves you room for some treats and you might still loose some weight, as you may be more active on holiday.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Girl I was in your shoes several months back, with a 4 day trip to Florida and a 9 day trip to Washington ahead of me. I was freaking out because I, too, always slipped real bad in the past when going on vacation.

    I ended up losing weight in the Florida trip. I didn't even have time for a lot of meals because I was doing so many fun activities, and on top of that I was burning lots of calories swimming and the like.

    In Washington, I gained a couple pounds but they came off quickly. I stayed pretty active here as well, as we had an entire storage unit to go through. I pretty much just ate whatever I wanted though, without going overboard.

    So my advice is to stay active! Be sure to enjoy your vacation and don't deprive yourself, but that also doesn't mean you have to eat like a pig just because you're on vacation.

    I also logged everything I ate to stay accountable.
  • ashleyylo
    ashleyylo Posts: 101 Member
    I am posting here so as to see the responses, LOL.
    I am going on a two week vacation and REALLY don't want to de-rail. I don't need to loose weight, I'm at a good weight for me, but I want to maintain.

    My plan so far is to continue to log (though it will be a lot of guesswork I'm thinking), and keep up with some daily activity. I might try to sneak in a 20 min workout each day (on top of the hiking and walking around I will be doing). I am going to bring my skipping rope, and then do some squats/pushups/bodyweight dips off the tub, etc.

    However, I also want to have a ton of fun - that is what a holiday is for. So I am going to try not to stress about it, and relax a bit with my calories, etc.
  • jaynee7283
    jaynee7283 Posts: 160 Member
    edited February 2016
    I went on a 5-day vacation weekend a couple weeks ago. I logged EVERYTHING I ate (as best I could) so I knew when to slow down/stop for the day, drank tons of water, and utilized the hotel gym almost every day so I could eat back those calories. When I weighed in the day after I got home, on my regular WI day, I had lost 1.4 for the week, the bulk of which included my 5-day vacation.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Long walks that you enjoy
    Easy on breakfast and lunch
    Enjoy dinner but don't go wild .pick sensibly and enjoy every bite
    Self catering helps
  • Monsterdog1114
    Monsterdog1114 Posts: 32 Member
    I try to have active vacations. Booking one now for a bike tour. Or do lots of walking to look at the sites.

    I also try to be 'fairly good' for lunch and breakfast, while allowing myself some freedom at dinner and dessert.
  • laraaragon
    laraaragon Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks everyone! These are great ideas
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    I don't care what I eat while on holidays - that's part of the holiday for me. I've found that generally 70-90% of the weight gain comes off in a couple of days (water retention/extra weight from the extra food). So if you do go over a little, don't stress!
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    What I do:
    wake up early and get workouts in before breakfast
    take long runs (explore the city safely or use the hotel gym) = more calories to eat back for each day
    I try to have so many calories available that I couldn't possibly eat them all back. That way I'm not thinking about it all day.
    And then, in favor of alcohol, I just walk away from desserts. They're not worth it to me.

    Also, for what it's worth: if you stray too far from your typical daily diet during vacation, you can end up with an upset stomach, which can ruin a few days of your trip. So stick to your granola bar and yogurt (or whatever) for as much of the day as possible. And when you indulge - enjoy yourself! It's vacation.