Darn it, Ive plateaued!

This might not be a big deal but to me it is, when I've been losing about 1.5-2 lbs a week, As of last week I've been at a stable weight.
Mind you as of Monday (6/13/11) I've only been able to weigh myself in the afternoon/early evening 5ish....where as before I would weigh myself around 10a....so there might be fluctuation....but Im sure Ive plateaued so I just wanted to know how you get past your plateau, I will be searching for tips on here as well....thanks and appreciate any advice!


  • lindsayfranke
    lindsayfranke Posts: 34 Member
    Are you exercising with your diet?
  • Grimlock1030
    I'm doing p90x. It's a great workout. If you have questions let me know.
  • sister_bear
    sister_bear Posts: 529 Member
    When I plateau I calorie zig zag for a few days and then spike my exercise. It usually gives my metabolism a jolt.

    Our metabolism gets used to our calorie intake and exercise level and slows down. Need to kick it now again. :)
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I have plateaued too for the past 2 weigh ins next one is tomorrow and i dont think it has moved. My measuring tape has moved however. And my body is getting hard.
  • RiverInTheRoad
    It's quite possibly because of your new weigh schedule. I like to way myself first thing when I get up in the morning and one time before I go to bed just to see the difference the day can do. Yesterday I weighed 169 in the morning and when I jumped on the scale at night, I was 172. Don't let it bug you at all though because that's completely normal (and I just do it out of curiosity). So it is definitely wouldn't worry to much about it.
  • gmann1973
    gmann1973 Posts: 247
    You got to switch it up, keep your body guessing what you are going to throw at it next, I have done p90x and now doing insanity both of which are great and will help you bust thru your plateaue good luck
  • el_gato
    el_gato Posts: 2
    It sounds like you have only been at this weight for a week, not really long enough to be a plateau. Don't panic, you will do fine.
  • hamncheese67
    hamncheese67 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Personally, I don't think 1 week is long enough to say you are on a plateau. Also, yes weighing yourself at a different time does make a difference as does what you've done before your weigh in. Try to be consistent in time and circumstance of your weigh ins. I know for me, my weight can fluctuate 2-4 pounds from my lightest to heaviest weight during the course of a day. (I am heavier than you, so take that into account, but the point is weight can/does fluctuate.)

    But, if you are on a plateau, either change your intake by zig-zag as suggested, change your exercise routine, or basically any change that might affect your metabolism.
  • firestarbeauty
    Are you exercising with your diet?

    yeah I do cardio and weight training....
  • firestarbeauty
    I have plateaued too for the past 2 weigh ins next one is tomorrow and i dont think it has moved. My measuring tape has moved however. And my body is getting hard.

    yeah inches are coming off and Im toning up...just scale is not moving like id like
  • firestarbeauty
    Thank you everyone! :bigsmile:
  • lindsayfranke
    lindsayfranke Posts: 34 Member
    Great! Always weigh yourself in the AM, its the best time because your body hasn't settled yet. Remember muscle is much denser than fat which can cause the numbers on the scale to not move as much....

    Keep at it and I am sure you will reach your goals in record time!
  • firestarbeauty
    thanks :) much appreciation!