Looking for some girls in the same boat as me..... 220lbs-130



  • rebeccaware15
    rebeccaware15 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there, sounds like I have a lot in common with all of you. 3 and half years ago my best friend/brother was killed in an oil rig accident and it has been very tough for me to deal with it. I am FINALLY getting back to my "normal" self but I am 100 pounds heavier and I am sooooo ready to get healthy and happy. I need this change for myself and my family. I have been working out and eating right since Jan 7th. I started out at 241 lbs and I am down 15 lbs and feeling great. Trying to make it to 140 lbs. Let's do this ladies because I know we all have many reasons to loose the weight and I know we all have the strength to get it off! ADD ME!!!!!!!!!!
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Feel free to add me...I started at 235 (at least that's what I was once I finally got on the scale), currently at 212.5....aiming for 130. That might change as I go and start to reshape might be higher, but either way a long way to go!

    If I'm really really honest....losing the weight has been easier than I ever made it out to be, but unfortunately I do a little self sabotage. You know gaining 3 lbs here and having to re-lose it all over again repeatedly. I pretty much just maintained the last two months of the year didn't really watch my calorie intake, so I should be a lot further along than I am. But I know that if you watch the calories and do the work the weight really does fall off. Trying to reign in my eating so that I can knock off these pounds sooner rather than later!
  • puddintot
    puddintot Posts: 41 Member
    I started at 220 and am down to 191. It's been slow, started in July, but it is consistent and I don't feel hungry all the time. My goal weight would be 180. Who knows, I may change that in a few months. Feel free to add me.
  • SaleemahR
    SaleemahR Posts: 32 Member
    Right there with you. I was at 283 and have lost a little over 5 lbs (not that much but every step counts). The first day is always the hardest (in my opinion) but I've been on my journey for almost a week and I feel good about the changes that I've made.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    I started at 220..maybe more but I just stopped weighing. I'm down to 161 currently. Short term goal is 145, ultimate goal 130? We'll see. I'm a very curvy 5'2"
  • Hi! 240 here and want to lose 90. I just started MFP this week! Add me!
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    Started at 236. Im currently 167. Aiming for 150...but might go for 140.
  • pbe2525
    pbe2525 Posts: 3 Member
    I've been everything from 95 lb to 240 lbs at 5'4". I recently had a revelation. Losing weight isn't just about looking nice in cute clothes. There are real health concerns I had no idea about when I was big in my teens and twenties. Things start hurting you never knew existed. All of this can be reduced or avoided with proper diet and exercise. (that doesn't mean just being thin). Thinking about food like fuel instead of entertainment makes sense in terms of quality of life. I had a binge disorder for over 25 years. I finally get it! I'm at 150 lbs and still losing. I would love to get and give support for that last 25 lbs!
  • Cassie_DE
    Cassie_DE Posts: 58 Member
    edited February 2016
    Hey all! I started at exactly 220 lbs four minutes after midnight on New Year's Day, 2014. Currently at 147.6
    I'm always open to friend requests so long as you're in this for the long haul. Also, try to modulate your goal weight in consideration of your height, build, proportions, and age -don't get too wrapped up in the numbers!
  • rah19899
    rah19899 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm hoping to get to 140 or so by May 2017. Have about 100 lbs. to lose. Could definitely use some support.
  • alyssastaples92
    alyssastaples92 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Sw 235 Cw 195 and Gw 110. Would love some motivation.
  • JennifrClaire
    JennifrClaire Posts: 141 Member
    Almost the same. I'm not sure I'd aim as low as 130 -I'm 5 foot 7, and 50 years old - but I'm working my way to 150 & I've just passed the halfway point.
    When I get there I might aim for 140.
  • moonchildisme
    moonchildisme Posts: 83 Member
    I started out at 350 and now am 226.....still have a ways to go. What does everyone mean by add me? Ive been here for years but today was the first day to come to the community .....glad I did