<sigh>...another newbie on ANOTHER diet

:grumble: I really need willpower and motivation. I hate to exercise by myself so I don't do it...it's boring! Any ideas to keep me motivated?


  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    yes make some friends here! the people are great and read alot of posts and blogs. There really is some great information here! Good luck and jump in and get involved...gotta warn you it is addicting though:noway:
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    First of all, WELCOME! Don't think of this as a diet. If you do then you'll gain back all your weight eventually. This is a lifestyle change and MFP will help you find out how and what to eat in order to help your body lose, and then maintain, weight.

    I can't STAND exercising either but 2 things have happened just in the 2 weeks I've been online. #1--I feel better because I'm eating better and therefore have more energy, which gives me the drive to exercise. #2--the online challenges people post are fun and motivating. It's hard working out alone, but when you know there are 20 other people in cyber world doing the same thing it makes it more fun. There are Wii challenges, 30 Day Shred challenges (I just started that one today and OH-MY-WORD that was hard!) and various other challenges. Participating online makes it fun.

    Just buckle down and make your mind up to do this. Start with the healthy eating habits and you'll find the desire to exercise, as you begin to see results, will come naturally.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I hate to exercise too (though I'm getting a little better with my love/hate relationship with exercising). For me, I find it most helpful to watch netflix while I lift weights or run on the elliptical. Makes the time go by and I'm entertained.

    I'm not allowed to watch TV unless my body is moving! If I didn't have TV, I wouldn't exercise! Sad, isn't it? Most people probably have the opposite problem...
  • lmvrbaby
    lmvrbaby Posts: 30 Member
    I didnt like to exercise and especially walk by myself. So I walk at work on break with a girl and at night after I get home I started doing the zumba. I love doing it, its more dance and doesnt feel like exercise. So good luck and add me as a friend.