That time!!!!

Ok girls...It is that time of the month and I want to eat EVERYTHING!!!! How do you get through this time without binging????:sad:


  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    Ok girls...It is that time of the month and I want to eat EVERYTHING!!!! How do you get through this time without binging????:sad:
  • Maggie218
    I know this sounds like an obvious answer, but Midol for one's got caffiene in it and a diuretic. Caffiene can help curb your appetite and the diuretic, well you know. That gets me to phase 2 of my plan--working out. I know I can't even think about getting on an elliptical when I'm in pain, tired and retaining more water than the Hoover Dam. Once my Midol kicks in I can take a walk around the block, go to the gym or get out a pilates DVD.

    I'm only on my 10th day of eating healthy & exercise but 6 of those 10 days I've been in your boat and that's what's working for me.

    If you're at work in front of a computer for 8 hours like I am...that's a little harder. I just try to drink a ton of water and stay busy.

    Good luck & Feel Better!!
    Stay away from the chocolate.
  • jree435
    jree435 Posts: 33 Member
    Binge on good stuff and lots of water.

    Drinking lots of water helps keep the bloat down

    If sweet is your thing go for fruits and fruit snacks, yogurts and even ices that are cos sweet and lower calories than ice cream (try turkey hill for that one). Don't forget your 100 calories snack packs

    If salty is your thing go for small bags of popcorn (great with a1/4 cup mini chocolate chips)100 calories snack packs and nuts (even non salted nuts help you feel full and give your tounge a good substitute

    Crunchy? try raw vegetables and some fruits homemade tortilla strips (baked not fried)

    Nutrition bars sometimes help try luna bars lower calories and enough flavor so you won't choke

    hope that helps
  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    I work the majority of the time in front of the computer and the other in the lab here at the office. I feel like dirt. I am pushing the fluids though. I'm not hungry, but I just want to EAT!!
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    I never really feel the need to binge during my time... I tend to get a really upset tummy :sick: like today. I usually end up short on calories rather than over :ohwell:
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I don't know if you are on any birth control, but I take seasonique, you only get it every three months. My doc started me on it because of PMS, I was a total beach that time of the month and not to mention I felt like eating like a horse!
  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    Ok, so I have ate everything I could get my hands on today. This sucks. I feel like I am starving for some reason. Chalk this day up to another failure. Great.
  • goochinator
    goochinator Posts: 383 Member
    Ok, so I have ate everything I could get my hands on today. This sucks. I feel like I am starving for some reason. Chalk this day up to another failure. Great.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    No No No!!! Its not a failure!!! Dont be hard on yourself, b/c then youa re being hard on me too :sad: :sad: ..I am in the EXACT same position...I did it yesterday though...completely blew myself out of the water. Man I was disgusted, but you know what? It happens and it likely may happen again. Best to dust yourself off, get your head back in and forget it even happend.

    I read once that even supermodels eat a ton of junk food on dont despair...IT WONT LAST!!!
  • Jackiemal
    Jackiemal Posts: 63 Member
    I suck on a sucker. It's helpful to have something in my mouth.


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    'How does one become a butterfly?, she asked. 'You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.'
  • logiesmom
    logiesmom Posts: 142
    I am worried that I am starting to get off track. I was so excited last week and then this week so far I haven't been amped at all. I read the "phases" post on here and I am worried that I am falling back into the same old habits because it is easier. How do I get out of this? Is this a funk? Is it just that it is my time of the month? Help??
  • Maggie218
    Don't get discouraged that you're falling "off track". It doesn't have to be a train wreck if you have a few bad days. I've heard from a lot of sources that if you have a few days where you deviate from the plan a little, the best thing to do is just keep right on going just like it never happened. So often we just consider the whole effort ruined because we ate half a bag of cookies or didn't work out for 2 days. Not true! 2 steps forward, 1 step back...