Post pregnancy weight gain

I have rejoined this week after a a year and I really need encouragement and support. I only was 10lb over after pregnancy and I have gained a further 7lb. It is so hard to lose these pounds and it seems impossible, as I can't stop eating chocolate. HELP!!


  • Sumiblue
    Sumiblue Posts: 1,597 Member
    If it's any consolation I lost the baby weight within a year of my baby's birth from walking more. Got down to my pre-preg weight. Then we moved to a less walkable area & I packed on 10kbs & kept them for a couple of years. I got serious about a year ago and started lifting & eating at deficit & I'm in the best shape of my life. For realz. I lost 18.5 lbs & got stronger & leaner. Pre-preg I was 124-127. Now I'm 118.6, 46 yrs old & 5'2". It can be done. It's work but you should enjoy the process!
  • AnkeH82
    AnkeH82 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I kind of know how you feel. Complete chocoholic and I've gained about 14 lbs after having baby. Lost about 7lbs so far, not easy staying disciplined but I try to stay focused on the goal and just have less of it ( can't/ won't cut it out altogether ;))
  • emzerkate
    emzerkate Posts: 27 Member
    Trying to shift post baby weight here too.. So add me if you want.. I log every day and am pretty determined to shed this extra weight and some...
  • Lonaxxx
    Lonaxxx Posts: 2 Member
    Well, it's been 5 days now that I have started working on my body.
    I have completely cut out sugar of any kind, bread, pasta and rice from my diet. I haven't had chocolate as well. I am seriously determined now, as I can't go on like this. So far I have only lost a pound, so let's see!!!
  • chica1986
    chica1986 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey ladies!
    Chocolate is ok in moderation, if you strip it out altogether when you do have it, you'll eat more!
    I've got a 6month old baby girl & while I was pregnant I put on 3stone (42lbs) so I'm also on a mission to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. By going to spin 3 times a week I've lost 2st 9lbs (37lbs) & have 5lbs left to lose to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight. However I have the infamous mummy tummy that needs to go & I know its going to take a lot to get rid of that jelly... As they say abs are made the kitchen & not the gym!
    Please add me if you need encouragement through the weight loss journey :)