Late start on New year's resolution!

Better late than never I guess. I started using the app and changing my lifestyle on January18. My goal is to lose a total of 30-40lbs. As of today I'm down 14lbs but I'm losing motivation. I don't mind the diet I just hate the working out. Ideas?


  • kaylaaa1202
    kaylaaa1202 Posts: 5 Member
    Once you start working out , and see becomes addicting ! Start with short simple workouts then add in more. You'll find what you dislike and like ! Wish you the best of luck !
  • I try to do things that are at least somewhat fun like Zumba, swimming, dancing, etc. Even if you do a little everyday or so, believe me it adds up and makes a difference. Just imagine your goal body. Sometimes I scroll through workout pics and motivational quotes to remind myself that the body I want is within reach... We just have to want it enough. You are going to look and feel amazing when you get to your goal, all of us will. Don't give up! A wise man once told me that if you want an above average life, you have to put in above average effort. We can do this!
  • FlaCntryGrl
    FlaCntryGrl Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks ladies!
  • akerra27
    akerra27 Posts: 117 Member
    One thing I try and keep telling myself is this is a lifestyle we will slip up and we will have successes. Sometimes we may gain a pound or not lose as much as we hope for. We just have to keep trying everyday.
  • FlaCntryGrl
    FlaCntryGrl Posts: 13 Member
    So true. :)