Fatty Started Crossfit.... What Do I Eat?

I just started a crossfit program after being off of exercise for two years. I've lost 50 pounds through cutting calories alone. I finally feel ready to commit to physical activity. The problem is... I have no idea how to eat. I do not use the BS estimates that MFP gives for physical activity and would prefer to not eat back exercise calories. I've heard terms like "cut" and "bulk" but I have no idea what they mean in a real world application.

Starting Weight: 278
MFP Starting Weight: 260
Current Weight: 227
Goal Weight: 175
31 years old
5'10 and carry all my weight in my stomach... Imagine a watermelon with a great rack on toothpicks and you'll have a pretty good mental image.

1700 calories/day seems to yield around a 2 pound loss per week. Sometimes I eat like absolute *kitten* and still lose. I can't really explain that, but it happens occasionally. My diary is open. I do not use a food scale. I don't plan on doing that until the weight loss slows down. Why make things harder if it's working for now?

I have diabetes so I follow a low carb diet. I try to shoot for 60 per day. Willing to go as high as 100, as I know carbs are essential for a lot of bodily... things. I don't pay attention to fat or sodium. Try to control the sugar, obvs. My main markers are calories and carbs.

Any and all suggestions, questions, or smart remarks are welcome.

PS I am also posting this on the General Diet and Weight Loss board.


  • awnurmarc
    awnurmarc Posts: 125 Member
    Doesn't Crossfit involve a coach?
  • katemckenna5
    katemckenna5 Posts: 36 Member
    awnurmarc wrote: »
    Doesn't Crossfit involve a coach?

    It involves a fitness coach. I am just starting out, but no one has asked me anything about food.
  • Chargunshow
    Chargunshow Posts: 60 Member
    I don't think you need to overthink changing your diet at this point. You are doing well with losing and you don't plan on eating back your exercise calories. I think that is actually wise as it's difficult to estimate the calorie burn for CrossFit because the workouts vary so much from day to day.

    Have fun with your workouts...they are challenging but it will be fun to see your improvements over time. I have been doing CrossFit for about 4 years and I am in the best shape of my life. I love the community, the challenging workouts and I especially love my new muscles. There's a pretty big learning curve with most of the movements...scale when you need to and be sure you have a coach that focusses on good form.
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    I sent you a friend request ;) I like to do protien after crossfit to help curb hunger and muscle recovery. Most crossfitters do paleo but that is not required and I dont do it myself. Be sure to add back some calories burned during workout. Most people prefer a heart rate monitor and then eat back around half burned.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I'd say keep doing what you are doing. There's no need to eat a special way. Adjust your calories up if your energy levels drop.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    The only thing I can suggest, b/c really it seems like you have an idea of what you are doing, is to make sure you hit your protein goals. That's helped me stay fuller longer. I did read once (I don't have the citation for it) that your body needs 100 grams of carbs/daily for basic functions. You could potentially increase your carb intake, especially now since you are working out.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    I don't think you need to overthink changing your diet at this point. You are doing well with losing and you don't plan on eating back your exercise calories

  • tarabole
    tarabole Posts: 166 Member
    a lot of crossfiters eat paleo and there many had gotten good results with the 'eat to perform' way of eating. On a side note, I found that doing some women's boot camps where lots of burpees and jump squats and basic lifting is done for a while prior to staring crossfit was helpful because the workouts are very intense and having a baseline fitness level can really help.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    I don't think you need to overthink changing your diet at this point. You are doing well with losing and you don't plan on eating back your exercise calories. I think that is actually wise as it's difficult to estimate the calorie burn for CrossFit because the workouts vary so much from day to day.

    Have fun with your workouts...they are challenging but it will be fun to see your improvements over time. I have been doing CrossFit for about 4 years and I am in the best shape of my life. I love the community, the challenging workouts and I especially love my new muscles. There's a pretty big learning curve with most of the movements...scale when you need to and be sure you have a coach that focusses on good form.

    Love this advice!

    Also, Paleo Crossfitter here - but I also know that Paleo isn't for everyone.

    OP - if you joined Crossfit, you should have access to the coaches in your box/gym. Talk to them about your concerns regarding what you're eating. If you did your research and joined a GOOD gym, at least a couple of your coaches should have a decent background in nutrition. Talk to them about your goals, struggles, the diabetes, etc. They might have some insight into what might work for you diet-wise, especially what you should be taking in after workouts.

    Welcome to the Crossfit community, OP! :)