I've got GERD!

I called my doc from work Friday because everytime I swallow the first bite of anything at all, my chest feels like I've been munching lit charcoal briquettes. He sent me straight to the ER, where I had an EKG, X-rays, the works. Of course, he was thinking heart attack, and I was thinking I waited too long to try and get healthy. Turns out I have Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease, which is wild because I have had no reflux that I know of. He put me on Prilosec, which evidently takes a few days to kick in. Now I have to eat before I take my daily meds. For the very first time in my whole, livin' life, I have no appetite. I get hungry, even nauseated-hungry, but the pain associated with swallowing is a big turn-off. Is anyone else out there dealing with this?


  • Patwin55
    Patwin55 Posts: 100 Member
    I called my doc from work Friday because everytime I swallow the first bite of anything at all, my chest feels like I've been munching lit charcoal briquettes. He sent me straight to the ER, where I had an EKG, X-rays, the works. Of course, he was thinking heart attack, and I was thinking I waited too long to try and get healthy. Turns out I have Gastro Esophagal Reflux Disease, which is wild because I have had no reflux that I know of. He put me on Prilosec, which evidently takes a few days to kick in. Now I have to eat before I take my daily meds. For the very first time in my whole, livin' life, I have no appetite. I get hungry, even nauseated-hungry, but the pain associated with swallowing is a big turn-off. Is anyone else out there dealing with this?
  • dmflynt
    dmflynt Posts: 196
    I've had GERD for years, but thankfully never had the swallowing issues. Follow your doctor's advice to help your esophagus heal. There are stronger meds out there that your doctor can give you if the Prilosec doesn't work. I've taken a prescription medication for at least 5 yrs, and feel much better if I watch what I eat.
  • alaskagal
    My husband has been dealing with GERD for the past several years. Over time you'll likely find out what foods cause the most symptoms (mint, chocolate, caffeine, tomatoes, etc). My husband started out taking Prilosec but over time has been able to quit the medication and manage his GERD with more natural measures. Something that helps him immensely is sleeping on an incline and not eating right before bedtime. Best of luck to you!
  • sophialittle
    sophialittle Posts: 344 Member
    I also have GERD and it sucks in the beginning, but you just have to educate yourself about the do's and don'ts. Get a list from your doctor (or find one online) about what to eat and what not to eat. The biggest challenge with GERD and weight loss is that I can't always eat the healthy choices that "normal" people can. You have to watch stuff that has high acidity, like fruits, which are exactly what you should eat for MFP. :indifferent: And then just learn tricks like putting sugar into your spagetti sauce to take some of the acidity out of it. Also, don't snack in the evening. And, they recommend elevating your bed 8-10 inches at the head of your bed. Mine's elevated about 6. I just put boards underneath the front bed posts. GERD just means some lifestyle changes, no different than starting a weight loss program! :wink: So make sure you educate yourself about the choices and keep working towards your goals! Best of luck! :happy:
  • sophialittle
    sophialittle Posts: 344 Member
    Oh, and I forgot to mention, there are many OTC meds to help with the heartburn feeling until the Prilosec kicks in. The best one I recommend is Gaviscon. It tastes like chalk, but it works. I'd recommend cherry if they have it. I still have to take some every once in a while. Also, GERD is hereditary (sp?) so make sure you make your children aware. My dad was diagnosed with GERD about the same time, only I was 18 and he was mid-fourties. My grandma was diagnosed after both of us and was in her late 70s. She has a history of heart problems, so I think her diagnosis was masked by the heart issues. Okay, I'm going to shut up now and go take my Prilosec! :tongue:
  • Eliyan
    Eliyan Posts: 115
    There are a lot of good natural options out there too. You should drop by your local health store, they can show you your options, and give you more information and advice on what you can do or what to avoid. :smile:

    Good luck.
  • Patwin55
    Patwin55 Posts: 100 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanx everyone for the great tips!