Lung Stamina

twooliver Posts: 450 Member
edited September 28 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi folks,

Anyone else ever deal with this issue? I've managed to lose 34 pounds doing lower end types of cardio activities; walking, 20 min videos, strength, etc. But everytime I try to do more strenuous types of activities such as the elliptical, running, stair climbing...etc, I can't get my lungs to cooperate with my heart rate...and I end up pooping out after a couple of minutes. I can do Zumba, but only because of the breaks in between songs and I can slow my pace if I need to.

When I was heavier I did have issues with activity induced asthma...and wonder if this is still an issue. Lung issues run in my family - mom died from lung cancer and her mother from emphysema/COPD... they were both smokers and I am not...never have been...

Any ideas on how to build up lung stamina??

thanks much!


  • twooliver
    twooliver Posts: 450 Member
  • rhodes2b
    rhodes2b Posts: 304 Member
    I have asthma and had trouble breathing for a long time. I did lower impact for longer periods of time. Interval training really helped me. I have gotten to the point that it isn’t an issue any longer. But everyone is different.
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    Maybe you need to shake your cardio up a bit. Your body (lungs) may be used to doing that "lower end" cardio and need more of a challenge. IF YOU DOC SAYS EVERYTHING ELSE IS OK, try interval training. I started doing this when I was trying to get acclimated to running/jogging. While doing your lower end cardio, add short bursts of higher end cardio to really get your heart and lungs working. As your lung capacity gets better, your higher end bursts can be longer. Eventually, you'll build up your lung capcaity. You have to keep challenging your body to see change. Good luck! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    First and most important is check with your doctor and see if need pulmonary function tests to see where you are lung capacity wise. Do you use inhalers/nebulizer? Have you ever used an inhaler (rescue type) before exercise to open up your airways? Ask your doctor for a prescription for an exercise spirometer ( a device that you inhale on to get the little ball to stay in a certain range on the builds lung strength) and peak flow meter ( tells how your lungs are doing at that specific time ), get respiratory education on their use and what the numbers mean to you. I agree with the interval training, starting with SHORT bursts. Good luck :-)
  • you have to push! you wont get good overnight, just keep workingout, like jogging everyday or some sort of cardio and push until you cant go anymore and do that veryday and you will eventually notice that you can go longer and longer without crashing!
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