In need of motivation

Hi all.
I've never been one to reach out for help or support when it comes to reaching my weight loss/fitness goals but I'm slowly realizing how ridiculously bad that is. I am a classic "go hardcore for a few weeks expecting to see the scale change and my body shrink- not see enough- and then just get discouraged and quit" person. I was a smoker for most of my life but finally quit for good 6 months ago. Anyone who was a smoker knows how amazing it feels to quit but also knows the annoying effects quitting has on your body. (Believe me- I know how silly I sound saying that so don't even go there haha) I had to just accept the fact that I was going to gain weight. I went from being 141 to 170 two years ago when I started my first teaching job (I'm sure a lot of you understand how hard that first year is) and also quit smoking at that point for a few months. I lost about 20 pounds when I started smoking again. Now. I have gained most of it back but I am determined to stay smoke free and just let me body get fit the healthy way. I have been eating healthy and delicious food all week while consistently being below my calorie goal and working out every day. I am 4 days in and I am getting to that discouraged point again. I need help. I need to know that it will happen. That I will finally lose these bat wings. That I will finally lose this stomach. I want this so badly for ME and only me. But I need motivation to just keep going and let it truly happen - finally. I always give up. I'm curious as to whether there are people on here with a similar story as mine? And if not, can anyone lend a helpful hand and just let me know when you started seeing results? Did you ever get discouraged? I could really use it right now. I need someone to tell me to just keep going. That it takes time for your body to change. I can't seem to believe it when I say it to myself. Again- this is coming from someone who never reaches out for help which may have been my downfall all along. Thanks in advanced and I apologize for this rant!


  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    When I started MFP a month ago, I deliberately changed nothing about my regular eating for the first week. I just wanted to write down and see what I was doing to myself. A funny thing happened. I started thinking about what I was eating. And then I started eating less. And then I started adjusting the salt out of eating plan. And then I started adjusting the protein into my eating plan while keeping the salt out. It took me several weeks to sort through these issues, but I'm starting to be able to understand things about my relationship to food which I simply did not attempt to consider up until a month ago. I suggest that you take some pressure off yourself and just ease into this. The magic happens in your head.
  • KrisF85
    KrisF85 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks. That makes a lot of sense. I think you're absolutely right with taking pressure off myself.
  • SaraLikesSunsets
    SaraLikesSunsets Posts: 92 Member
    I got discouraged. I still do. I also want to lose weight from my stomach and arms. I only recently got back on mfp, I hadn't been on it in a long time. I had lost some weight before that, though I decided maybe it would be a good idea to go on this website again and find motivation and inspiration here, even though I can't count calories at the moment. It's good to remember that things take time, and it's okay to get discouraged sometimes. What really seems to help with that is patience, and not being too hard on yourself.
  • KrisF85
    KrisF85 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks Sara. That means a whole lot right now.
  • brooksbarrick
    brooksbarrick Posts: 6 Member
    Losing weight is one of the hardest things in the world to do. I am super active: I swim over 5 miles a week, spin bike in the winter and outdoors int he summer, lift weights and don't eat a lot of "bad" foods but still struggle with my weight. Hang in there. It isn't like on the TV ads. It is a complete lifestyle change which takes time. You will do it!
  • andrewjbaker1984
    andrewjbaker1984 Posts: 33 Member
    The start is always going to be harder because it's more of a shock to the system. Once you've stuck at it for a week or two, got used to your new way of life and seen some results then it becomes a lot easier
  • michele2020
    michele2020 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi ..My name is Michele , if you are in need of motivation or support , feel free to add me ..I also have more than a few awesome and insightful friends that I could share ....We all have good ideas and what worked for us ...Find yours and you will be well on your way !!! Have a great night ...and just know. You've got this !!! Michele
  • teamvic
    teamvic Posts: 140 Member
    Hi, I surprised myself by working out the other day I was over 100 days in to being healthy. And thats from a habitual quiter. I'm an ex-smoker too and appreciate how big a deal it is to stop. My mantra this time has been "I can do day at a time". I'm never going to get on the motivational speaking circuit, but what I'm trying to say is you can do it if you make the mental leap to "the long haul" and don't believe in quick wins. Believe in yourself and you will achieve your goals. This app is great and the support can be amazing. Good luck with your efforts, hope it all works out for you.
  • musikplayr
    musikplayr Posts: 29 Member
    Quitting smoking can be the hardest thing ever. Good job, seriously!
  • MainEventer1
    MainEventer1 Posts: 43 Member
    Trust me, I know about being impatient and quitting after a couple months. But I had enough and decided it was time for a change. I kept with this for several weeks now. And I lost 20 pounds thus far. I have friends who congratulate me and it makes me feel good and keeps me motivated. The thing you have to realize is, it's gonna take time. Months. Maybe a year. But you're gonna be so glad that you kept up with it and you WILL see results soon. If you want you can add me as a friend and we can encourage each other. Trust me, that is key to makin you feel good.
  • giantwisdom
    giantwisdom Posts: 22 Member
    edited February 2016
    An effective weight loss plan should not be discouraging. If you are discouraged, given how driven you are ("hardcore", to use your word) in the first "few weeks", then it is not you, but rather, your program that is the issue.

    Any weight loss plan that relies on willpower and toughing it out is doomed to fail in the long term. I'm not saying losing weight should be easy, but it should not be a daily struggle and it should not burn you out within a couple of weeks of starting. Any weight loss plan can work in the short term, but very few deliver sustainable weight loss, and those that do are not highly restrictive plans that require superhuman willpower to follow.

    May I ask, what diet or eating plan are you following now?