120 to loose

VanetteMcG Posts: 35 Member
Thonotosassa Florida


  • bglasspoole719
    bglasspoole719 Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck, I'm right there with you, my goal is 96 pounds
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Good luck to you both. I know it sounds cliche, but you can do it. I personally know people that have lost more than that. It's definitely not easy but whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're absolutely right. Mind over matter.
  • VanetteMcG
    VanetteMcG Posts: 35 Member
  • JeffreyMGiron
    JeffreyMGiron Posts: 3,582 Member
    I lost 79 since last july. Its all about keeping a positive attitude, and saying no to all the unhealthy food you want. Its a pain but its totally worth, I havent felt so great since i was 20. Make sure you build your own motivation and positive attitude and do not let anything or anyone get in your way. Determination and Dedication. Cliche but its the only way. Hardwork.
  • shay5458
    shay5458 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't think of it as how much weight you have to lose, rather try changing your perspective it into a healthy lifestyle and find ways to enjoy the journey!
  • emsmomtina
    emsmomtina Posts: 7 Member
    I'm right there with you....I actually need to lose more, but would be thrilled with 120. I've only been doing this less than a week, but can feel it working. And I'm never hungry! Gotta love that! We can do this!
  • VanetteMcG
    VanetteMcG Posts: 35 Member
    I'm not hungry either been on my healthy vegi since 1/12/116. Just keep n keepin on. Thank you for the support.
  • VanetteMcG
    VanetteMcG Posts: 35 Member

    Introduction to Intermittent Fasting and Meal Guidelines

    Intermittent Fasting is NOT a diet, but rather a dieting pattern and lifestyle. In laments terms, it’s making a conscious decision to skip certain meals at certain times of the day. By intentionally feeding and fasting, you are choosing to eat your calories during a specific window
    of the day and choosing to fast during the rest (mainly during sleep hours).

    So we begin with choosing your feeding window. Males will need 8 hours and Females will need 10 hours (due to hormonal differences). This means that your daily calorie intake needs to be consumed with this window of time.
    When choosing your windows, take into consideration your lifestyle. What time do you normally wake up, drop the kids off, have a lunch break, go to the gym, have dinner, get to bed, etc.?
    This window should be kept constant due to the hormonal adjustment necessary for meal patterns. We tend to get hungry when were used to eating at a certain time. By practicing a regular pattern of feeding, diet adherence is easier. The “hunger pains” will disappear once your hormones adjust and your body responds to the consistent fasting/feeding window.
    Ex. feeding window for a Male: 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (window can vary)
    Ex. feeding window for a Female: 11:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. (window can vary).

    No calories are to be ingested during the fasted phase. However, you are allowed water, coffee, calorie-free sweeteners, diet soda and sugar-free gym. If you are used to having creamer with your morning coffee, please use sparingly and sensibly. Depending on the brand and ingredients, you can easily break your fast with just creamer!
    If you are a breakfast person, this may initially be a challenge for you. As mentioned above, the body will adapt to your window if there is consistency.

    This is critical to your success. Dependent on your goals, your body needs a specific amount of calories on workout days and a specific amount on your rest days. A surplus and a deficit of calories are cycled during the week to prevent the body from going into “starvation mode” and producing cortisol (fat-storing hormone).
    The specifics depend on the client’s ultimate goal: fat loss, muscle gain or body-recomposition. Generally speaking, on training days: fats are low, but carbs and total calorie intake is highest. On rest days: carbs are lower and fat is higher. Protein is kept high on all days.
    By utilizing a tool such as “My Fitness Pal”, your trainer can help keep you accountable on a daily basis. For more information about this application, please ask your trainer!

    You will hear your trainer address your daily calorie intake as Macronutrients (aka. “macros”). A Macronutrient is simply defined as an essential nutrient required in relatively large amounts. This includes proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water; sometimes certain minerals like calcium, chloride and sodium are included on this list.

    The majority of your daily calorie intake is consumed in the post-workout period. Depending on the setup, this means that approximately 95-99% (fasted training), 80% (one pre-workout meal) or 60% (two pre-workout meals) of your daily calorie intake is consumed after training. This meal should be very high in lean proteins and fibrous carbohydrates. This day is also known as “refeed” because of your need of a caloric increase (surplus). We recommend E-Fit or full-body training 2 to 3 times per week on non-consecutive days. Training frequency is dependent on the individual’s needs and capabilities.

    On rest days, meal one should ideally be the largest meal, as opposed to training days where the post-workout meal is the largest. A good rule of thumb is to make meal one on rest days at least 35-40% of your daily caloric intake. This meal should be very high in protein and fibrous vegetables. Some people prefer to have their largest meal on rest days in the evening with their family instead of having a larger lunch. Choose the best option for your lifestyle. Rest days are necessary for recovery from your previous workouts which allows your body ample time for growth and repair of muscle tissue. Rest days are caloric restrictive (deficit).

    The amount of meals you consume during the feeding window is irrelevant. However, most people, including me, prefer two to three meals. This means less grazing and bigger meals!!!

    The only supplements we recommend are those absolutely necessary for the best results. These may include a multivitamin, fish oils, vitamin D and extra calcium. Due to the higher amount of protein suggested (ranges per individual), we will also recommend a supplemental protein powder. For example: Using a whey protein (isolate) or vegetarian-based protein powder is an efficient way of consuming a larger amount protein without feeling overly full.
    For fasted training, BCAA’S or an essential amino acid mixture is highly recommended to be taken prior to start of the session to keep protein synthesis stimulated and prevent protein breakdown.

    Now that we covered the basics, you may still be asking “Why Intermittent Fasting?”
    BECAUSE IT WORKS. Although we know that not all calories are created equal, caloric restriction (rest days) plays a primary role in weight loss. When you fast, you are also making it easier to restrict your caloric intake over the course of a week.
    BECAUSE IT SIMPLIFIES YOUR DAY. Rather than having to prepare, pack and eat your meals every 2-3 hours, you simply skip a meal or two and only worry about eating food in within your eating window.
    IT REQUIRES LESS TIME (and money). Rather than having to prepare or purchase three to six meals a day, you only need to prepare two to three meals. Instead of stopping what you’re doing six times a day to eat, you simply only have to stop to eat twice.
    IT PROMOTES STRONGER INSULIN SENSITIVITY AND INCREASED GROWTH HORMONE SECRETION, two keys for weight loss and muscle gain. Our bodies react to eating food with the production of insulin. Essentially, the more sensitive your body is to insulin, the higher probability you will use the food you eat more efficiently. This can help lead to weight loss and muscle building.
    Sample Grocery List – Workout vs. Rest Day Items
    Recommended items specific to workout days and rest days.

    Proteins (Workout Day):

    Egg whites
    Nonfat Greek Yogurt (Plain)
    Whey Protein Powder
    Vegetarian & Vegan Options: Please consult with trainer. I'm doing vegi

    Proteins (Rest Day)
    Chicken Thigh/Legs
    Ground Turkey (93/7%)
    Top Round Sirloin
    Filet of Beef
    Lean Ground Beef (93%)
    Pork Tenderloin (Center Cut)
    Fish - Wild Alaskan Salmon
    Sea Bass, Crab, Smoked Salmon
    Whole eggs
    Casein Protein Powder

    Carbs (Workout Day):
    Quinoa or Couscous
    Sweet Potatoes
    Old Fashioned or Quick Oats
    Pasta – Whole Grain, Whole Wheat or Brown Rice
    Rice – Brown, Jasmine or Basmati
    Wraps – Whole Grain, Whole Wheat or Brown Rice
    Bread – Ezekiel, Whole Grain
    Black Beans/Lentils
    Fruit –Strawberries, Blueberries, Grapefruit, etc.

    Fats (Rest Day):
    All Natural Nut Butters -(peanut, almond, cashew)
    Roasted/Raw Nuts - (almonds, cashews, walnuts)
    Dairy - Swiss, Goat, Feta, Mozzarella, Cream Cheese, Neufchatel Cheese
    Oils- Olive, Avocado, Coconut
    Grassfed Kerrygold Butter
    Fish Oil Supplement

  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,626 Member
    i started with that much to lose. down to the last 40 now :P
  • dalem54494
    dalem54494 Posts: 23 Member
    You've got this! I'm down 180 with about 10 more to go.
  • Anthonysd92
    Anthonysd92 Posts: 504 Member
    pretty much same goal. I'm 296, and I'm wanting to get down to 170-180
  • DatGuy_Bry
    DatGuy_Bry Posts: 9 Member
    Eat clean, train dirty! Stay motivated! You can do it!