Finding Inspiration works in mysterious ways

Today I woke up with a serious case of the Mondays...I felt really just blah and not motivated and as far as my weight loss goals I found myself questioning what I am doing and if all this hard work would ever be worth it and honestly thought about giving up...I knew I needed some serious motivation and inspiration so I logged in to MFP as soon as I got to work and weighed in 3 lbs down bringing me to a total of 16.8lbs lost since starting this journey...GREAT but still feeling out of I started looking through the Success Stories forum because I find the before and after pics very inspirational but also sometimes its hard because I haven't seen many peoples pics with the goals similar to mine and weight losses similar to what I would like to achieve....not the case today...I was sitting here thinking about how I would love to see some inspirational pics of people who have achieved goals similar to mine and WOW I was amazed that in like 15 mins I found 3 people who had lost over 100lbs and were around the same height as me...I started picturing myself as too what I might look like when I reached that goal and it really inspired me so I am truly thankful for this website and the people on all are truly inspiring and keep me going day after day!!!!


  • PtownKween
    PtownKween Posts: 10 Member
    Whether the goal is 50 pounds like myself or more like others, you should always have an accountability partner. Tonight, Lauren and i walked and ran EVERYWHERE, we were gone for an hour, And at the end, I could keep going but she had kids to put in bed. I am so excited about tomorrow, we'll be starting our membership at Planet Fitness. Just remember, i'm here for support even though i'm in a diff area code. Love ya girl, we GOT THIS **** inna bag :)
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    haha yes we do chick! one day I'm run to Ptown to come visit ya hahahahaa wow lets not get ahead of ourselves LOL thats awesome about your gym membership girl! you can do this I miss u i wish we could work out together up here...but Ima make Scott get with it here soon...he already told me he wants me to help make him a profile on here since I been hypin it up so much hahaha so maybe then I'll have a regular work out buddy here :)
  • PtownKween
    PtownKween Posts: 10 Member
    OMG i didnt even think of that!!! Scott would be awesome as a workout buddy! Get his *kitten* ROLLIN!