Any ladies on here workout with someone twice their age?

My mom, who is in her late 50's, she and I try to do zumba together, however some of the moves she cannot do due to carpet tunnel in her left knee. It's fun doing it with her! We were doing Richard Simmons for awhile, but since I'm 30 years younger I need more of a challenge. Any tips or workout suggestions would me great..tia


  • angelamichelle_xo
    angelamichelle_xo Posts: 646 Member
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    My mom's older than your mom. She lifts with me. We've helped strengthen her muscle and bones through lifting. She's seen huge improvements in bone and joint health since she started lifting. She started with body weight exercises (sometimes with modifications).
  • ashleyylo
    ashleyylo Posts: 101 Member
    If it's fun, I don't see why you shouldn't continue!

    At my gym classes, there are for sure ladies twice my age. Sometimes they use modified moves. Sometimes they out rep me or use a heavier weight and I die a little inside because i am competitive LOL
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    No, but I do work out with people half or one-third my age. There are ways to modify every exercise--to make it harder or easier, as suits your needs and abilities.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,243 Member
    edited February 2016
    Um ... my grandmother isn't even twice my age. Most people twice my age aren't terribly active.

    My husband is 12 years older than me, and I have just this summer finally caught up to him in terms of fitness. I beat him cycling up a mountain by just a little bit on Saturday. Up till that moment, I never dreamed that would be possible ... it really surprised me!
  • Chargunshow
    Chargunshow Posts: 60 Member
    I work out with people younger than me all the time. I sometimes whip their behinds.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    mkh858 wrote: »
    My mom, who is in her late 50's, she and I try to do zumba together, however some of the moves she cannot do due to carpet tunnel in her left knee. It's fun doing it with her! We were doing Richard Simmons for awhile, but since I'm 30 years younger I need more of a challenge. Any tips or workout suggestions would me great..tia

    Go more intense ...jump higher, double speed, change stability, carry weights

    Progressive weight lifting for both of you
  • antennachick
    antennachick Posts: 464 Member
    A lady at my crossfit gym is in her 60s and can do things I cant (handstand push ups!). If you need to make a workout harder add wieghts when you can. Or look for workouts that she can modify
  • shay5458
    shay5458 Posts: 4 Member
    I think you can both still exercise together just go at your own pace. Perhaps your mother should be doing modified versions whereas you can do moderate to advanced level of activity. You'll both benefit from it if you keep it up!
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    I work out with people younger than me all the time. I sometimes whip their behinds.


    That was my first thought - I'm a runner and many of the most influential (and kick-*kitten*) runners in my life are ... older. Incidentally, I am now ... older ... but don't fit into the kick-*kitten* category. Age is somewhat irrelevant. :)