Short people and 1200 calories

Is there anyone else whos around 5 ft (I'm 4'11) who has been eating 1200 calories almost every day for an extended period of time (more than 6 months) and are still healthy and have not had any bad side effects of that extended period of calorie restriction?


  • Karihappy
    Karihappy Posts: 116 Member
    I'm 5'1" and eating 1200 a day since last August. However, I exercise almost every day, so I eat back my calories. I'm extremely healthy, feeling GREAT, and have lost 32 pounds. I drink Shakeology for my breakfast, usually eat chili that has TONS of vegetables in it for lunch, and eat meat and veggies for dinner and a healthy snack before bedtime, like sweet potato chocolate pudding or chia chocolate pudding. The reason I tell you that is because, since we can only eat 1200 a day, the way for me to feel like I'm eating a lot and feel satisfied is by beefing everything up with lots and LOTS of veggies! 5229779.png
  • emyleer115
    emyleer115 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you! I just got worried I was ruining my metabolism... But do you think once I've lost almost all the weight that I should bump up my calories? Idk.. I'm not quite sure how long of eating below your BMR is safe
  • hrtunstall
    hrtunstall Posts: 49 Member
    I am 5' and have been on mfp for 581 consecutive days. I have lost 41 lbs. & followed their suggested 1200 calorie intake to accomplish my goal. I also exercise everyday & use a fitbit to add back in additional calories. Mfp will tell you when you consume too little (under 1000) . Many people have followed this regimen to success. Don't worry. When you have lost the weight you want, switch to maintenance. Mfp has calculators for BMI & TDEE to help you.
  • Determined_Missy
    Determined_Missy Posts: 33 Member
    I am 5'2" and have lost 60 pounds. Since I am older, I do not burn as many calories. I lost the weight using Nutrisystem and MFP. For my height, my baseline maintenance is only 1300 calories at 116 pounds according to MFP. However, my Polar Loop tells me I burn at least 1500 calories many days. For the most part, I try to stay at the 1300 mark. On days that I exercise or have very little sleep, I will increase my calories. I have continued to slowly lose weight, so I probably should eat around 1400 calories most days in order to maintain my 116.5 pounds. Obviously, my metabolism has not been adversely affected.
  • elaineamj
    elaineamj Posts: 347 Member
    Are we talking net calories? I am on 1200 net, which works out to about 1400cals/day on avg. Still new though - Week 8 so am interested to hear from long-timers.
  • emyleer115
    emyleer115 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm saying I have only been consuming 1200 calories a day. I just recently began exercising, but before I started exercising, I had been at 1200 since June and have lost 45 lb since. I did have weekends where I didn't watch what I ate, and for four weeks between December and January I didn't eat healthily either.
  • hev481
    hev481 Posts: 45 Member
    Once you hit your goal weight, you would eat at maintenance (your TDEE), not 1200 calories. So this is not a forever thing, just a while you're losing thing. Think of 1200 as your base calories, and then eat back half of what you earn back through increased activity.

    I've been eating at ~1100-1300 depending on the day since last August or so with some short breaks and have had no ill effects. In fact, even at that level, the loss for me hasn't been a dramatic pace because I am already relatively small and sedentary.
  • Whitezombiegirl
    Whitezombiegirl Posts: 1,042 Member
    Im 5ft and been eating between 800-1100, with occasional higher days- average of say 1100 for about 14 months now. Not a single bad side effect. Still have my period as regular, hair and nails grow fast and strong, skin isn't dry, energy levels are normal (bit of winter SAD but that's normal for me). I eat nutritious food with a small treat each day. I'm at maintenance now which is about 1300 without exercise.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Your metabolism will be fine

    there is some research that shows that a refeed, eating at maintenance for a couple of weeks every few months can be beneficial in restoring hormones to appropriate levels (Leptin / Ghrelin)
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I am 4ft11inches too.
    I use 1200 NET calories daily goal( after eating back a percentage of my exercise calories) at the beginning of my journey.
    Once I lost 10 pounds, I re calculated my new calorie daily goals.
    I also started weight lifting that have changed my body shape for the better. I increased my protein daily macro goal.
    I am at Maintenance now eating 1500 -1600 NET calories a day.
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • LiveLoveLift48
    LiveLoveLift48 Posts: 379 Member
    I am 5ft. I have lost about 80 lbs over the last 4 years and i eat anywhere from 1200 - 1600 ( average 1400) most days. I lift and cardio most days as well . If i feel hungry i eat more. Rarely do i get as low as 1200 ( since the beginning when i was learning) unless i dont feel well. Im not going to say its too little for you or not, but you may need more here and there depending on your lifestyle of fitness.
  • bezlooney
    bezlooney Posts: 81 Member
    Im 5'3 and 33 and eat between 900 and 1200per day with a 830 streak. Even at thisy weightloss iss very very slow.
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    bezlooney wrote: »
    Im 5'3 and 33 and eat between 900 and 1200per day with a 830 streak. Even at thisy weightloss iss very very slow.

    Please define "slow".
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    You won't ruin your metabolism, however, when you add exercise you should be eating at least a portion of those back to try to NET 1200 cals.

    Also the closer you are to your goal weight, you may want to think about slowing increasing your cals to closer to your maintenance level. Have you worked out what that will be?

    Many petite women, myself included, can lose on more than 1200 cals, especially if you work on becoming more active.