
Hi everyone! I've been on and off the bandwagon numerous times. Over the past 10 years I've ranged between a low of 175 with a 32" waist to max of 285 with a 44" inch waist. Since January, I've lost almost 30 pounds, but have already gained 27 back. A total loss of 3 pounds since January is not quite as motivating. In fact, It's just plain frustrating. I LOVE food, especially sweets. I have no strong motivation to exercise either. So that's a double whammy. I would love some friends who have had similar experiences to chat with and encourage each other. We could share failures and successes and help to motivate each other to stay strong and cheer for each other with each success. It helps to not do this alone. Please message me if you'd like to be friends and help support each other.
Thanks for listening,
Spreadingsmiles (Tom)


  • nana0507
    nana0507 Posts: 5
    I believe we all have the desire to do anything we want to do. You just have'nt found it yet. I have also started mfp since Jan. and have lost 40 lbs . My motivation was I desided to lose weight for me and no one else.