Feeling REALLY discouraged

I lost about 40 pounds end of 2014. I had knee surgery in Dec of 2014 and since then have lost all motivation to start working out again and have eaten my way through 2015 and now into 2016...Gained back ALL 40 pounds. I have my son's wedding coming up in May and since he announced it I have told myself over and over...You want to look good in pictures right? But that does not even seem to get me going...Now I feel like I have so far to go and so angry at myself for putting on all that weight again after my hard work...Just this week I started walking but can barely make it around the track 4 times without feeling like I was going to die...Thanks for listening, any words of encouragement are appreciated. Felling defeated!


  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. Can you get through one day making good choices? Of course you can! Don't focus on the mistake/gain/past. Focus on one day at a time.

    You can do this!
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    You did it before, you can do it again!!
  • ashleyylo
    ashleyylo Posts: 101 Member
    Maybe rather than focusing on how mad you are at yourself and how hard it is to get around the track 4 times, try to take a positive approach on things. Notice the good choices you begin to make (balanced breakfast, oh I said no to that donut, I drank more water today, I had a side salad instead of side fries, made it an extra half lap). Shaming yourself will usually lead to negative behavior. Reward your positive choices!
  • TheChrissyT
    TheChrissyT Posts: 263 Member
    If you are happy celebrating your sons marriage, you will look beautiful in the pictures. No matter what weight you are, don't hide from them because your family loves you as you are, and in whatever shape you might be by then, and you should be present in all the pictures they'll look back on for the rest of their lives. Instead of worrying about how you're going to look, think about how you want to take care of yourself, and love yourself so you can be the active, lively, joyful grandma one day. :) The one who looks too young to be a grandma, the one who has to cancel her plans to babysit the grandbaby. <3 Changing your life for the better should feel good. Let it feel good!
  • Marnz28
    Marnz28 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that's discouraged and hard on myself. Im obsessed with losing weight and beat myself up when I mess up like today. Thank you to all of the encouraging things everyone wrote. I WILL focus on the positive and not the negative. Thank you guys.
  • JusSlim
    JusSlim Posts: 33 Member
    edited February 2016
    mrsgoss wrote: »
    I lost about 40 pounds end of 2014. I had knee surgery in Dec of 2014 and since then have lost all motivation to start working out again and have eaten my way through 2015 and now into 2016...Gained back ALL 40 pounds. I have my son's wedding coming up in May and since he announced it I have told myself over and over...You want to look good in pictures right? But that does not even seem to get me going...Now I feel like I have so far to go and so angry at myself for putting on all that weight again after my hard work...Just this week I started walking but can barely make it around the track 4 times without feeling like I was going to die...Thanks for listening, any words of encouragement are appreciated. Felling defeated!

    I'll just post a comment and not use the reply with quote....
  • JusSlim
    JusSlim Posts: 33 Member
    mrsgoss wrote: »
    I lost about 40 pounds end of 2014. I had knee surgery in Dec of 2014 and since then have lost all motivation to start working out again and have eaten my way through 2015 and now into 2016...Gained back ALL 40 pounds. I have my son's wedding coming up in May and since he announced it I have told myself over and over...You want to look good in pictures right? But that does not even seem to get me going...Now I feel like I have so far to go and so angry at myself for putting on all that weight again after my hard work...Just this week I started walking but can barely make it around the track 4 times without feeling like I was going to die...Thanks for listening, any words of encouragement are appreciated. Felling defeated!

    OMG... I just wrote an entire book in reply to your post and all that posted was YAY... SMH.. I'll try again...
  • JusSlim
    JusSlim Posts: 33 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm HAPPY that you went for a walk! I can only imagine what you are going through after having knee surgery but please don't beat yourself up...take a look at what happened to me I went from 265lbs to 188lbs in 6mos in 2010 only to go up to 215lbs end of 2015
  • JusSlim
    JusSlim Posts: 33 Member
    edited February 2016
    215lbs end of 2015 due to emotional eating after my hubby's truck accident in Dec 2014 at the beginning of 2016 I was upto 225lbs cause I was so disappointed in myself...I had to deal with the INSIDE of me before I could control the OUTSIDE of me! I'm down to 214.4 in 25 days.... Its slooooooow but I'm in no rush...