When will it end?!

I am an avid diet coke drinker and yesterday I went from drinking 4 cans a day to zero. The headaches are brutal!!! How long can I expect this to last?


  • michelleisfit
    michelleisfit Posts: 43 Member
    I am an avid diet coke drinker and yesterday I went from drinking 4 cans a day to zero. The headaches are brutal!!! How long can I expect this to last?
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    You should try to wean slower. Cut back a can a day. :flowerforyou:
  • furrflys
    oh my lordy I couldent drink caffiene when I was pregnant and I was a serious caffiene addict (still am)Seems like it was several months for me but I had also quit smoking cold turkey at the same time so I was mega nuts. I feel your pain! But it will subside! Keep fighting the good fight!
  • tlitzner
    tlitzner Posts: 124
    I had the same problem. It's probably because of the lack of caffeine. If you are allowing yourself tea or coffee, that may help. Also, excedrin migraine has caffeine in it and that helps me. Although, if it is the caffeine that you are trying to get away from all I can tell you is that it will get better. It took about a week for me.
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Drink green tea. It is a different kind of caffeine and gives you enough to take the headache away until your body gets used to less caffeine.

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  • jennlos
    jennlos Posts: 200
    Try drinking a little coffee in the morning or a caffeinated tea. Your headache may be due to the caffeine withdraw.
  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    one word: ADVIL
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    You are in recovery! that is the way to look at it.....green tea is a great idea...some caffiene...you are also detoxing from the other crap in diet coke.....it is truly amazing what they put in those attractive cans...

    drink tons of water and know that your pain is your body thanking you

    (and yes...I have a thing about soda....it is garbage..so there)

  • meganbray
    I too have heard that drinking green tea (or any tea rather) is a good solution, plus it helps you loose the water weight.
  • Power
    Power Posts: 27 Member
    I went through this, too. I have been caffeine free for a few months now. Luckily mine was just 1 day.. and I slept it away on the couch... the pain was brutal. I haven't had one since. Maybe yours is just taking a little longer. Seems like you should do what the others have said and come off of it a little more slowly.
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Please kindly cut back. My husband drank so much coke before. He had withdrawls after letting go. Now, he drinks an occasional one. Keep sodas down for your own benefit.