Help please

I just started using this app and I don't have a fit bit or anything nor do I really want to get one, however I would like to log my exercises but this app doesn't tell you how many calories I burned how do I get it to log the calories I've worked off??


  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,236 MFP Moderator
    What kind of exercise are you logging? If you're logging cardio, then it does give you extra calories. If you're doing lifting, look in the cardio area and log it as calisthenics. Be careful though, as many folks contend that MFP over-estimates the number of calories burned during cardio exercises.
  • Jenfromtheblock84
    Jenfromtheblock84 Posts: 140 Member
    MFP definitely over estimates calories burned. People normally say to cut it in half, or only eat half back to be safe unless you have a HRM. Good luck and welcome.