New! Hi there.

I figured that it would be helpful for me to track my progress and list what I eat each day. Having it put in front of me really puts it into perspective what I could fix!

Also looking for friends who I can encourage and who can inspire and encourage me as well.


  • misstanyamarie
    misstanyamarie Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I'm new to this program...hoping it helps me! I need some motivation!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I think the food tracker is probably one of the most helpful tools on this site. I know I like being able to see what I'm eating, how many calories, etc. Plus, if I see a gain or loss on the scale - I like being able to go back and see what I was eating 2-4 days ago that likely had an affect on the scale. :)

    Good Luck! You can do this!
  • Bristle82
    Bristle82 Posts: 100
    Sent you a request, I am new too! :)
  • RainyMel
    RainyMel Posts: 16
    Thanks! I hope I can make a before/progress pic like yours. It's amazing!
    I think this may be what finally really helps me make progress.. I can feel it :)

    Welcome to you as well! Seeing other people here, it looks like it helps a lot. (: It's like everyone here is a cheerleader for.. well, everyone else, haha!