Fell off the wagon... then ate the wagon

I have just had a terrible weekend in terms of what I ate and drank and in terms of quantity. then when i tried to sort myself out yesterday and 'get back on the wagon' i ended up eating half the world.

I want and need to have a good day but im now craving all the food I've been eating the last few days!

Damn it this weight loss thing is tricky!!


  • SlowlyLosingLolita
    SlowlyLosingLolita Posts: 93 Member
    Eat as well as you can for 5 days, then you'll want that good food.
    Your taste-buds die and regrow every 5 days so they will crave the foods you've been giving them the last 5 days.
    That's my best advice- Just try and be as good as you can the next 5 days :flowerforyou:

    And PS- The title made me smile
  • pollypoos
    pollypoos Posts: 10
    HAHAHAHAHAH! This title soooo cracked me up. I know the feeling! Do everything in moderation. It's not a sprint - it's a lifestyle change. You'll get there. Think marathon stylee.. :0)
  • clubworld
    clubworld Posts: 12
    I know how you feel! I have been fighting a losing battle for a few days. Then I gave in yesterday and ate what I craved. It made me feel worse (as I knew it would). Today is a new day and I still want the bad food, but less than yesterday.

    I like the 5 day taste bud Idea the previous poster wrote. I didn't know that, So I will try that. Thinking about it I haven't had Hungry Jacks (Burger King to you yanks) in over a month, and the thought of one makes my stomach churn. That is a good thing I guess.

    Good quality (but still high fat) pizza is my weakness. Shame a whole pizza can be as much as 3 days calories.

    Chin up. Today is the first day of the rest of your life (and all that other BS people sprout). Don't regret yesterday. Concentrate on today!
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    "Fell off the wagon... then ate the wagon"

    Hysterical way to put it!! Sounds like something I would say.

    That was me last week too. I have been struggggglllling. I always feel super hungry the next day after pigging out. Its like my body resets to super hunger mode. Hang in there! You can do this!
  • tinkerbell1964
    well at least you knew you did wrong, and you're not in-denial, at the end of the day ppl using MFP are not dieting ( as we know this doesn't work , and just sounds wrong) we're making healthy life changes, and we're only human , we're going to fall off the wagon from time to time, i think you're doing great as you've lost loads since March , keep up the good work :smile:
  • longhop
    longhop Posts: 35
    Thanks for your comments everyone and glad I brought a smile to a couple of your faces.

    Its given me the encouragement to crack on. Big gym session tonight to help make up for the last few days and fingers crossed no more incidents involving wagons.
  • mommyjj92
    mommyjj92 Posts: 8
    That completely describes me the last few days! Father's Day I made strip steaks and twice baked potatoes for my husband for dinner, and then made this insane chocolate cake for dessert that has over 2 lbs. of chocolate in it! And yesterday was our anniversary, so we went out to dinner. And aside from those 2 meals I definitely wasn't making good choices. I'm pretty sure that cake is not a breakfast of champions. I'm just trying to get back on track today, making sure I log everything I eat and trying to get out for a walk with the kids. Good luck!