
Everywhere I'm reading that carbs are bad, and that they should be heavily reduced, or completely cut out of your diet. That's horrible for someone like me, who loves bread, rice, and pasta. I always go for the whole weat, but I'm constantly eating carbs.

Could that be why my weight is so heavy?
Do I need to cut out all carbs, or is there a way to reduce them?


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    This is another one of those questions that will render you a million different answers from a lot of passionate people on both sides of the fence.

    A lot of people do drop weight faster when on low or moderate carbs diets. Especially those with carb sensitivities. Some people attribute this to carbs are bad...others say it's simply because you eat more of them and it throws your calories off...

    But you should keep in mind that no one single diet will be the "best" thing for every person out there. I personally eat moderate carbs (about 35-40% of my calories) and higher protein levels. This is what works for me. I have known other people (like my mom) who do quite well eating as much as 55% of their calories from carbs.

    So I would keep VERY careful track of what you are eating. Tweak the ratios at the end of a week or 2, and see what happens. Not everyone benefits from low carb the same, and some people can't handle it.

    You might want to try getting most of your carbs from fruits and veggies and limiting your bread, pasta, etc. to one meal or even less than that per day to see what happens.

    But like I said before, you will certainly get passionate answers from both sides of the fence here...but you gotta experiment and see what works for YOUR body.

    I personally would never say carbs are bad...unless you are talking strictly about HFCS or other crap like that.
  • SlowlyLosingLolita
    SlowlyLosingLolita Posts: 93 Member
    My personal opinion is that natural carbs are fine- Like rice,beans,potatoes, and oatmeal.
    I would avoid processed carbs like white bread and white pasta. I don't really think that any food is 'bad' per say; I think that a lot of the preservatives are what's bad for you and overeating anything is bad for you.
  • Bella0608
    Bella0608 Posts: 196 Member
    Im a bread lover too but I have cut down I would normally have toast on a morning and then sandwich for lunch
    I have made myself a rule that if I do have bread Its only once a day.
    I still have rice and pasta tho but have noticed loads of differance just cutting out the bread try it see how it goes
  • ebilchiibi
    Thank you everyone! c:
    I will definitely experiment with my carb intake, and see how it affects me.