I need some motivation... Lost 116 pounds but have gained 40 back

boaorhat77 Posts: 11 Member
edited February 2016 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone!

When I was growing up, I was severely overweight. Finally, in my 20s, I got up to 275, which is a lot on my 5'9 frame.

14 years ago I got into working out, and lost 116 pounds! I maintained it for over a decade. I loved working out, and lifted heavy weights (5x5 program) and did over an hour of cardio on the alternate days. I didn't diet or watch calories, and still lost all the weight. (In all fairness I was eating healthier because I was trying to support my workouts. But I also ate what I wanted, when I wanted.)

Then, in 2014, I was diagnosed as having sciatica (source undiagnosed) and my life changed. I went to PT but never was able to exercise without pain. I tried working out at least every other day for awhile, but in the end even that stopped.

Fast forward 2 years. I went through an awful relationship. I moved 700 miles from friends and family. That, mixed with no workouts, and I have gained 40 pounds. And it keeps on rising.

I am so depressed. I am so afraid I am going to return to the 275 or more. I just can't seem to get control. I never was the kind of person who could eat lower calories, To me, whenever I try to restrict I actually then want to overeat.

I have been doing yoga for a year now and love that. But it isn't doing anything for losing weight.

I did go back to the doctor this week, a new one. She says that I don't have sciatica, but what I have is bursitis of the hip. Not sure how the doctor a few years ago screwed that one up. Either way, the pain is still there every time I try to work out.

Help! If any of this resonates within you, and you have some tips for me, I would really appreciate it.


  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    I don't know your gender, but I am shorter than you and a similar weight. And I am losing weight on 1800 calories a day. You don't have to starve yourself. Select a goal on MFP that is less drastic (.5 lb or 1 lb a week, don't pick 2 lbs a week). Be patient with losing weight over time. Time spent losing weight is time you didn't gain it.

    You don't have to start working out like a crazy person. Maybe just try to get some walking in. Plenty of people lose weight without exercise, it's not necessary to lose weight. Make sure within your 1800 calories you are getting decent protein/fat so that you don't feel deprived. I still eat all the same stuff I used to (fast food, etc.) just within my 1800 calories.
  • GreyKnight120
    GreyKnight120 Posts: 60 Member
    I can only say that in some ways this sounds a lot like some things I went through myself nearly 10 years ago (moving halfway across the country and gaining a bunch of weight, entering and exiting an awful relationship, etc.).

    I can't really speak to the medical situation, and if there is pain when exercising there may be some other form of exercise that can be done, or something to address the pain first and foremost so that you can safely return to exercise. Did you doctor offer any solutions for this - surgery or PT? Someone else here might have more insights on that matter, but that seems to be the greatest obstacle blocking your path right now, so I would see if there's any way to clear that out so that you can resume your workouts or possibly pick up 5x5 again.

    In terms of motivation, you can always look back and know that you've done this once before so you can certainly do it again! I would definitely keep up with the yoga as well - especially because you love it!

    I wish you well though and hope your trails ahead lead you to more fulfillment and happiness than the recent past!
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    I know how hard it can be to go through a painful life event and also be away from friends and family. I gained back 30 pounds before when I moved and it was hard to get back into my routine-however I did it and so can you!! Keep your chin up. You can do this-you did it before!!!
  • mdfq22
    mdfq22 Posts: 1 Member
    If nothing else - stop the rising scale. You can eat a lot to maintain 200 lb. An idea: for a few days or weeks or whatever don't restrict your amounts of food but don't eat anything you can splurge on. For me, I love (dry) Cheerios and they're trash but they are a great splurge stopper for me. They take so long to eat for so few calories (and I love them!) that I could pig out on them all night and it would never get anywhere near a pizza/ice cream splurge. I actually did the other night and only managed to eat 600 calories worth - which is a lot of freaking Cheerios. Make a list of all the foods you really like that don't fall into the massive weight gainer category and just eat those. Another big one for me would be soup, meals from boston market that don't include the junk sides, etc. If you're anything like me it will only take a couple of days of not eating the really bad foods before you have some control back and can start telling yourself no to other things. And hopefully it won't trigger the "I'm restricting, omg I need to pig out" voice in your head. It's hard to get that discipline muscle back in shape after eating whatever for a long time. Just do SOMETHING and it can snowball into being back in control and heading in the right direction.

    And the tough news is... if you can't workout you will have to restrict. Just because you couldn't do it when you were younger doesn't mean it will be the same now. You're older, stronger and you've been through some *kitten* that undoubtedly gave you some newfound strength. Lose the mental block against restricting calories. You CAN do it, it's just a matter of figuring out how.
  • sherrirod252015
    sherrirod252015 Posts: 50 Member
    I can definitely relate.I just turned 33, I moved to a different state and from May -august walking/jogging every day I lost 27lbs. In November only friend I met here moved and slowly iv gotten depressed, and this year my birthday, i dont know why mase me even more depressed; thought 30's were fun.
  • Shrinking_Erin
    Shrinking_Erin Posts: 125 Member
    edited February 2016
    I'm 5'10 and without exercise I've lost 70 pounds (276.2 as of this morning). I'm on just under 1800 cal a day. I also live far from all my family and friends, (moved from TN to the Netherlands) and it can be tough. However, You can gain control again but sounds like you won't be able to eat whatever whenever. You can do it!

    Add me if you'd like.

    Good luck!
  • boaorhat77
    boaorhat77 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you all for the kind words and suggestions. I will take this all into account. You are awesome!!!