???holiday plans help!!

Hi Guys,
Could someone give me a bit of advice ??
Been serial dieter and cardio addict over the years in an attempt to be thin .
Since Sept been weight training and a wee bit cardio and love the difference physically and mentally.
Not lifting huge weights but a real improvement for me and I have got so much stronger.
So my question is ...... on 2 weeks thai holiday in hotels with gyms, and have no intention to restrict me diet!!
Shoud I
1/ stop cardio and do occasional weights to get the benefits from extra calories ??
2/Stop altogether and start both types of exercise when I get back??
In the past have driven myself mad with guilt on holiday if I didn't work out and determined to do it for the right reasons this time and dont mind doing some exercise while Im away ??
Would appreciate any advice or suggestions?? :)


  • IILikeToMoveItMoveIt
    IILikeToMoveItMoveIt Posts: 1,172 Member
    Maybe try out moderation across the board? It's a lifestyle choice in which maintaining equilibrium instead of extremes can serve you well. Do what you want, but responsibly for yourself and your end goals. You want to eat, accept the calories and work when you get back. Work out on vacation, nothing wrong with dedication. Eat and workout, it'll keep you from too much back slide. What do you REALLY want and work towards those long term goals. Go for gratification and accept your decision? Stay on course? Do both? It's up to you really...
  • fionawimhurst441
    fionawimhurst441 Posts: 13 Member
    Couldn't agree more about personal responsibility!! However getting away from compulsive exercise is hard as anyone who has been there will tell you .
    Maybe I didn't explain well enough but think I am on top of everything in moderation but have not been on holiday yet so far since I got on top of it so any advice is good as to what would be beneficial. Don't want to undo my hard work but if. Break is good for progress happy to do that . Does that make sense ??
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Couldn't agree more about personal responsibility!! However getting away from compulsive exercise is hard as anyone who has been there will tell you .
    Maybe I didn't explain well enough but think I am on top of everything in moderation but have not been on holiday yet so far since I got on top of it so any advice is good as to what would be beneficial. Don't want to undo my hard work but if. Break is good for progress happy to do that . Does that make sense ??

    It does make sense but IMHO the mindswitch in terms of a holiday is to enjoy yourself and go bananas hasn't happened yet

    Why plan to gorge yourself, when you can plan to continue to eat reasonably, perhaps with a little less control, but certainly not with an "I deserve it I'm on holiday" thought construct

    Why plan to be inactive if you like working out

    My last two main holidays have been markedly different ...I would go for long walks early on with my music on, enjoying the beach and the way holiday destinations look when they are coming to life in the morning

    I would eat sensibly but relatively freely ....go out to eat but choose foods I enjoy with care

    Moderation doesn't have to die on holiday ..moderation is what you do now ...I think setting up a holiday as freedom from a new lifestyle you've chosen sets up your brain to believe this change is temporary and somehow wrong ..I think that risks affecting you deeper than you believe it will

    Just my ramblings on the matter...take what you will from it
  • fionawimhurst441
    fionawimhurst441 Posts: 13 Member
    Yep that makes sense and def got my head round eating and drinking in "reasonable moderation" but just struggling with thinking if I do exercise am I going back to old habits when I felt I had to !! Thanks so much for you comments very sensible