I need help!

I've been lurking for the past 4 weeks and I think I'm ready to dive in and ask questions. I would like to lose at least 40 lbs, my ideal would be 60. I really want someone to share their work out routine with me as a beginner. I usually get my cardio in for 30 min (run for 10 and walk for 20) As for strength training, I'm lost !!! I just hop from one machine to the next for another 30 min. Is that okay for a beginner or something need to change? Plz help! I need buddies, plz add me and motivate me ;) I'm 5'7 220 and 30 years young... just had my 3rd baby in December but unfortunately he grew wings and became my angel! As far as eating I'm mostly good but bread is my biggest problem. Anyone lost weight without having to say good bye to bread? I also have a fitbit and meet my goal almost daily. Plz feel free to add me marielleleah@gmail.com. plz ne bashing responses. Thank you ;)


  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    You don't need to give up bread to lose weight. You just need to do calorie counting, making sure your intake is less than your outgo. I would suggest you try C25K since you already run/walk. It will take you to be able to run 5k/30 mins straight by the end of 8 weeks. It made me feel very good to be able do accomplish more every week. And in terms of time efficiency in burning calories, running is still pretty high on the list.

    I will also suggest you do pelvic rolls. It is just something I wish I remember to do after giving birth to my last baby :smile: It helped tighten my stomach muscle after I had my first child.

    I will let others comments on the strength training part. But I just want to let you know that, I lost 20 lbs (my goal) and then some more as a mother of 3 and more than 10 years older than you. If I can do it, you can too!
  • shinycrazy
    shinycrazy Posts: 1,081 Member
    Sounds like you have a gym with machines to work with for strength. Is there a trainer there you can schedule an appointment with to help you determine what you want to work on and what to start with? Personally, I use a set resistance bands and have found routines online. Specifically, SparkPeople has some great videos. Good luck!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    If I read your post correctly, please accept my deepest condolences. Losing a child is a deep, scarring pain.

    Since you already go to a gym, as already suggested, can you request a consult with a trainer? Sometimes they will give you one free session. Or, if you hire one, meet with a few first, find out their credentials and do your research. Remember, you are hiring them. They need to be a good fit for you and also knowledgeable.

    Do you have a food scale? You can still eat bread and everything else you like. It just needs to be in portions that match your calorie goal.
  • blues4miles
    blues4miles Posts: 1,481 Member
    Lostmomof3 wrote: »
    I've been lurking for the past 4 weeks and I think I'm ready to dive in and ask questions. I would like to lose at least 40 lbs, my ideal would be 60. I really want someone to share their work out routine with me as a beginner. I usually get my cardio in for 30 min (run for 10 and walk for 20) As for strength training, I'm lost !!! I just hop from one machine to the next for another 30 min. Is that okay for a beginner or something need to change? Plz help! I need buddies, plz add me and motivate me ;) I'm 5'7 220 and 30 years young... just had my 3rd baby in December but unfortunately he grew wings and became my angel! As far as eating I'm mostly good but bread is my biggest problem. Anyone lost weight without having to say good bye to bread? I also have a fitbit and meet my goal almost daily. plz ne bashing responses. Thank you ;)

    I still eat whatever I want, fast food, chocolate, whatever. Just make sure it fits within my calories. Working out is good but as the saying goes, weight loss happens in the kitchen. You can eat as much bread as you want, just keep your calories at what MFP sets for you.
  • mommazach
    mommazach Posts: 384 Member
    I dropped all wheat and lost 30lbs last year. I changed my settings again and started anew! I'll be sending you a friend request soon. Bread loss was a kick start for me, but it's not easy.
  • rgbmore
    rgbmore Posts: 85 Member
    Ah, my condolences as well regarding your child. That's so hard. :(

    As for the bread aspect, I've been losing weight by eating what I want just within the portions allotted calorie count wise. It's easier for me to have lighter meals earlier in the day so I can have some "fun" foods in the evening with dinner. Good luck!! :)
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    So sorry for your loss (if I interpreted your post right) there are no words :'(

    If you are at a gym, often they have great group fitness classes where you can keep motivated (and push yourself harder than maybe you would on your own) in a small group setting and learn good form etc....cardio and strength classes (the name is different everywhere) , or a session with a trainer to get set up on a plan to meet your goals. Don't worry about being out of shape in a class, no one will notice you everyone is too self absorbed in their own insecurities to notice yours :) I only say this because I know I avoided going because I was too worried about looking like a fool.

    I don't believe in good food vs bad foods, calories in and calories out si what alters weight, I love bread! and in moderation I get to have bread, and sweets and really anything I want....in moderation. some foods I can not eat moderately (potato chips you know what you do to me) so I have to refrain.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,089 Member
    I haven't read the replies in this thread so forgive me if this had already been mentioned op -
    You don't need to give up anything to lose weight!! Nothing ! In fact, those who restrict like that often end up back where they started ! Instead you need to learn moderation and portion control. Get a food scale. Weigh everything. Eat a well balanced diet . that can include treats and breads.
    I started your size and am 135 now . I've been maintaining for 2+ yrs so far I gave up nothing. I have ice cream daily . I learned portion control !
    As far as beginners liftitg programs, I like nrolfw or stronglifts .
  • Lostmomof3
    Lostmomof3 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you so much for you inputs! I'm glad to see the many of you have lost weight without giving up their favorite foods!!
    Also thank you for the condolences, losing my son has been the hardest thing I have been through. I lost a part of me that day. He is my motivation!! Focusing on exercise and nutrition is helping me. I want to be healthy and make him proud and maybe a rainbow later on? Who knows...
    Thank you all, and good luck on our journeys!
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Dropping bread, cows milk, and soda pop will help immensely with your health.