Who's up for getting lean and mean in a month?

Anyone want to join me in co-motivating? Based in south Manchester UK and looking for like minded people to inspire, encourage and bounce ideas off.


  • nicologica1
    nicologica1 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey Steve. I'm based in South Manchester too and need to get lean and mean in 2 weeks! Going on holiday. I've got the mean bit in check, now need work on the lean! Feel free to add me for co-motivation, inspiration and idea bouncing
  • unfairmeno
    unfairmeno Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, me too. Need to get focused and a quick blast is just what the Dr. Ordered! Biggest challenge for March 2016 is that I am moving. Stressful times but I need to stay focused and not use it as an excuse to let myself get off track. May I join you?