Forgiving myself

this may be a weird question but I have a very hard time forgiving myself when I mess up with eating well. I'm leaning towards a plant based diet, but I'm just starting out. I find it really hard to not want to "punish" myself when I have something not so great. Anyone get me? Any tips on being more lighthearted and encouraging towards myself?


  • emstewart95
    emstewart95 Posts: 16 Member
    Learning to forgive yourself is the best thing you can ever do!
    I used to be stuck in this circle of eating something bad, feeling bad, punishing myself and repeating it.
    We are only human and as long as you know you are trying its ok to slip up. After you eat something bad just remember the bigger picture, let it go and carry on. Imagine how you would treat a friend who came to you and said they'd messed up... you wouldn't tell them to punish themselves. In the long run encouraging yourself to make better choices and accepting the mistakes will allow you to make better diet habits.

    It takes time!!!
  • RoseTheWarrior
    RoseTheWarrior Posts: 2,035 Member
    Think of yourself as your best friend. Try to talk to yourself as if you were talking to your best friend. If your friends slip up, do you berate them or make them feel bad? No! You encourage them to do better while understanding they're human beings - just like you.
  • shmeega
    shmeega Posts: 18 Member
    Wow thank you both that's really encouraging <3
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Good advice given by the others! I would add, try to remove emotions from food. There is no "good" or "bad" food. Some is healthier than others, but you are not a BAD person for eating something that is less healthier. It's just food. Focus on how it affects you physically. Food is for nutrients and energy, and yes, to enjoy, but don't let it become an enemy!
  • shmeega
    shmeega Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you I'll try to think of it that way....that's a really good way of looking at it.
  • bigorange70
    bigorange70 Posts: 60 Member
    Nobody is perfect all the time. I had a slice of cheesecake for lunch and like you I felt bad about it but it was very good. You have to look at it like this if you berate yourself with guilt it will be even harder to come out on top. So you slipped up no big deal just rebound and try to do good the rest of the day. I have blown my meal plans out of the water before and just say well tomorrow is another day. I am down 14 lbs from 195 to 181 and have been at this for 51 days now. A lot of my weekends are slip ups. My little boy like doughnuts and Mcdonalds and I don't deny him. Sometimes daddy doesn't deny himself either. HA HA
  • kaufmane
    kaufmane Posts: 2 Member
    Use that guilt to motivate you! Doughnuts are my #1 vice, but instead of putting myself down for the damage of one those deliciously evil treats, I make a bargain with myself... One guilty pleasure, one cardio workout. It doesn't mean I have to sweat off every calorie consumed, but usually getting my heart racing is just enough to ward off that guilty loathing. Cravings are part of life, and fufilling them doesn't have to come with guilt. "Change the way you see things, and the things you see will change."