100 + Pounds to Lose

I love this site, all the modivational people on it, and all the information which has been huge in my start to a healthier me.

I am looking to see if there are anymore 100+ pounds to lose pals out there that would be interested in doing this together. I hope that as we share sucess stories we can motivate eachother, gather information and tips , and support eachother down this path.

Lets share what works, doesnt work, foods to eat and excersices to do (as it is so hard carrying all the weight and even walking), and yet I am determined to make a chnage in my life...

Lets start sharing, or add me as a friend!
cheers ~ Nat :)


  • oreomixx
    oreomixx Posts: 31 Member
    im right here with u technically i need to loose 88lbs more but right now im just gonna try to get 54 off and see if im happy with my weight but i will be glad to do this with u ive been doin it steady for about 4 months and ive lost 43lbs i started in the beginning of Feb but wasn't serious enough
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I have lost 94 pounds and have another 94 to go.
  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    I am right there with you. I am looking to lose 110 lbs or so. Add me as a friend and we can try to help each other. I know it is going to be very hard, but knowing that someone else is fighting the same fight helps so much!!! Good luck...you can do it
  • erm8449
    erm8449 Posts: 6 Member
    wow Congrats skwilson1990 for what you achieved so far !!! You are halfway there :)
  • dlb595
    dlb595 Posts: 3
    HELLO SISTERS!!! I am also looking to lose @ 80lbs (is that close enough to 100?) I am setting my goals 20lbs at a time. Would love to be a support & gain support from all of you. Have been using this site for @2wks & I like that it breaks down the calories & nutritional facts in a way that I can understand & see as I read nutritional labels. Have slowly been adding exercising, but plan to continue & ultimately (gulp) would like to run a 5k & then we will see.... Look forward to hearing from all of you!
  • kysassyblonde1
    I need to loose at least 100 more lbs. I have lost a total of 21 lbs so far and am very motivated to get the rest off. This site helps to get my mind straight and seeing the struggles the friends I have made on here but seeing the sucess really motivates me!!! Best wishs on your journey!!!!!
  • BamaGirl_79
    Hello! I too have over 100 plus to lose. Any of you feel free to add me and we can try to keep each other motivated and pump each other up :)
  • tisadell
    tisadell Posts: 23 Member
    Hi there! I have about 100 to lose also. I have been using MFP Since May 4 and have lost 23 pounds so far. Good luck to all of you! Hopefully we can help each other and encourage one another! Feel free to friend me!
  • RunningAggie
    I too have close to 100 lbs to lose. I've been 240 for so long (a decade) that I don't know what I would look like thinner. I did drop down to 200 in 2008 and immediately got pregnant so back up to 240 I went. I need all the support and help I can get. I'm a turtle when it comes to losing weight and it is very discouraging and frustrating. I work so hard and the results aren't what I expect them to be. Let's take this journey together one step and one pound at a time.
  • apeydawn
    apeydawn Posts: 52
    I'm not quite 100lbs but I'd love to add you help any way I can!
  • Squeezyweezy
    Squeezyweezy Posts: 10 Member

    I have got way over 100 pounds to loose, but I have set myself the goal of 100 first so I don't get too scared and decide I can't do it.
    Any of you guys that want to add me, please do. I would love the support of someone with similar goals. So far all my friends on MFP are really near to target, or in my eyes already skinny minis!!! LOL
    I have been on MFP for 15 days and have lost 10 pounds. Only another 90 + to go.
  • mmiiaa
    mmiiaa Posts: 171 Member
    Hello! I'm right here with you. I've got a little over 100 pounds left to lose. You can always use more friends with similar goals. :)
  • goofynat
    goofynat Posts: 68 Member
    I need to loose at least 100 more lbs. I have lost a total of 21 lbs so far and am very motivated to get the rest off. This site helps to get my mind straight and seeing the struggles the friends I have made on here but seeing the sucess really motivates me!!! Best wishs on your journey!!!!!

    look at you go!
    you are doing sooo good
    cheers ~ nat
  • Mimi4one
    Mimi4one Posts: 9
    I have lost 94 pounds and have another 94 to go.

    Wow! Congratulations Kelly!!!

