A total and complete lifestyle change!

9 days ago (Friday Feb 19th) I made the decision to quit drinking (Cabernet was my drug of choice) completely. Not only was I consuming about 3000 extra liquid calories a week, I was also developing a "beer belly." My digestion was off so I also bought a probiotic. On the following Monday (6 days ago) I also decided to give up smoking. Cold turkey. This has by far been a much harder challenge than giving up my wine. I decided then that if I could do those 2 things, then I can substitute the time I spent doing them with being active. So, on Monday, I also started walking between 30 and 45 minutes uphill on my treadmill. I have since increased that to two 30 minute sets totaling 60 mins a day 7 days a week. On top of that, I am adding in Jillian Michaels 30 day shred dvd m-f starting tomorrow. Because of my elimination of the extra wine calories and the ease of counting my calories on MFP, I have dropped from 141 to 135.8 in 7 days. I know that doesn't look like a healthy amount of weightloss, but I have been flushing my system of all of those toxins with about 90oz of water a day. (The only other thing I drink is black coffee in the am). I have a very limited vegetable palette so most of my "healthy" foods are made up of fruit. :) I'm a potato junkie...(Irish decent) and struggle with what side items to make at dinner now that I am keeping up with what I'm eating. I need ideas and help and motivation to keep up with this. I tend to be gung ho when I start something, but sometimes have trouble keeping it up. I know I won't be going back to drinking and smoking, but calorie counting and keeping up my workouts could be hard. I look forward to getting in to this community and can't wait for the motivation kick!


  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    WOW congratulations on everything you have done to get where you are today...lighter and rid of toxins. Keep on keeping on and there is no telling what you can accomplish. Stay strong and positive and stick with it. 2 thumbs up to your life style changes!!
  • homie2828
    homie2828 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow! Congrats on quitting drinking and smoking. I just quit smoking cigs (successfully) about a month ago. Before this, I must've tried quitting, like...a hundred times! By far one of the toughest things to stick with! I feel your pain!
  • loha2328
    loha2328 Posts: 24 Member
    You can do it! I quit smoking on 2/15/1992 and have never smoked again. I did however experience weight gain. You are on the right path with substituting old bad habits with new healthy ones. Keep on keeping on.