this is why!

After a week of really going for it, walking, elliptical trainer, swimming etc. I felt good last night, looking forward to weigh in thinking I had really tried this week...until
I walked into a gym
Now I have stayed clear of such place but I wanted to go swimming and I (surprise surprise) do not own my own swimming pool.
I walked in thinking stone and a half lost since I last wore a swimming costume, feeling good, gone to get fit etc.
I saw all these young athletic girls and well I'll be honest I could have cried. I was back being the big one, the fatty trying her hardest to be normal weight!
Don't get me wrong I don't want everyone saying oh but you have done so well etc. I know I have tried my damndest with this lifestyle change.
What I want is to hear how other people have felt like this and it's ok to growl at them inwardly and not feel mean. (I don't mean being nasty!!!)
I'm back on it today as always, every day is a new day and one day I WILL be one of those girls (if a little/lot older)
but in the meantime, well I gotta say it GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!


  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    It is totally acceptable to glare at them a little and call them stick-girls in your head ;)

    Then go ahead into the pool and don't let them being there hinder you! You've done a great job and deserve a good swim!
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    That was my lunch today... i dragged my bottom to my newly opened gym and stumbled my way through week 2 of c25k, gasping for air, only to turn my head and see these 4 tiny teenage women ( about 17) not even breaking a sweat jogging for what seem like forever.. i felt rubbish, but i'll be back tomorrow and may even console myself to nigh by going to my normal gym with normal people!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Raise your head and walk in proud of yourself. You are taking charge of your health. I hear a splash! Go jump in and enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    GRRRRR! We will get there one day! It won't be overnight, but one day through working hard and sacrifice we will get there. And one thing is for sure, we will be extremely grateful to have a skinnier body because we know what it is like to be fat.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Absolutely, my first words that I say to myself are....they have no idea how lucky they are to have that *automatic* god given high *kitten* metabolisim, that they take for GRANTED!!!!!
    Not one of those women in there know what it's like to REALLY struggle with their weight like I have. So I suck my gut in and get in the pool fast where people can only see my boobs up or so. Then swim my *kitten* off till they all leave.

    Those are my thoughts. Do I think I'm wrong to have those thoughts....abso-freakin-lutely NO! Because, in reality most girls do have an unbelievaby high (and unfair) metabolism, but a majority on here will probably argue with me. Will I one day chnage my mind? Maybe.

    There are those that have started out bigger, and acutally gotten down to a size 4 or 5 and did it all thru sweat and tears and breakdowns with Ben and Jerry's. But do keep your head up, and ignore them, when they die of sun cancer from being in a tanning bed too long, or becuase of the diet pills they bought off the black market, ..... (I know those are horrible to say) but you wanted the truth. :blushing:
  • RunNannyRun
    I understand where you are coming from. I sometimes get so frustrated with skinny girls and how it seems so easy for them. And it may be and may not be. I know a lot of girls who are just naturally skinny and eat whatever they want and not have to work out much. But then I think, that will only last so long and their metabolism won't be like that forever but their habits of eating bad and not working out might be. So if you keep pushing and eat right,you are far more better off than most of those girls! Plus confidence is everything. You have been working hard so show that!! Good luck!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I literally love you all!!!
    I come on here ranting and raving about stick thin girls and you all make me laugh off 50 calories!!!
    Thank you one and all for your support!
  • gatorgirl7
    gatorgirl7 Posts: 103 Member
    i used to feel like that (still do sometimes)--but here's what keeps me going--a) i won't ever be 'skinny' like them if i give up b/c i'm intimidated, b) who KNOWS how they are that skinny...they could work out 10 hours a day and eat a cracker all day, etc. i've really tried not to compare myself to others. who knows their story--they may have the same one as you--they're just on the other end...and when i see someone who is just starting out, i try to smile and be friendly/encouraging. i remember what it feels like/still feels like sometimes. i feel really intimidated by the weight machines--even now, and i've been healthy for a few years and going to a gym daily for the last 3. don't give up!!
  • gijoan
    gijoan Posts: 10
    oh yeah. you can definitely believe I have felt like this more than once. I started gaining weight about 8th grade and my boobs grew overnight. even some boys made comments about how i was gaining weight. needless to say, i gained more... and more... and more. i grew up with my skinny, tan, fashionable cousin and i was the chubby, freckled third wheel.

    But really, someone has to be the biggest in the room, someone has to be the skinnest. I still roll my eyes at other girls my age with tan, lean bodies, but deep inside I want to be more like them.

    In reality, and we all know this in our hearts, that we just want to be ourselves. We just want to be happy, mentally and physically. So if im never "skinny", thats fine. For once in my life, I just want to be healthy, lean, and happy. Im doing this for myself!
    Good luck everyone! Never bring yourselves down!
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    i used to feel like that (still do sometimes)--but here's what keeps me going--a) i won't ever be 'skinny' like them if i give up b/c i'm intimidated, b) who KNOWS how they are that skinny...they could work out 10 hours a day and eat a cracker all day, etc. i've really tried not to compare myself to others. who knows their story--they may have the same one as you--they're just on the other end...and when i see someone who is just starting out, i try to smile and be friendly/encouraging. i remember what it feels like/still feels like sometimes. i feel really intimidated by the weight machines--even now, and i've been healthy for a few years and going to a gym daily for the last 3. don't give up!!

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Gatorgirl. You have said what I was trying hard to tackfully say. I am that person- I've lost 50 lbs, and it took forever, and now some people think I'm pretty slim, and I would hate for someone to see me and assume I have a fast metabolism or that I never work out or that I've never been big. I bust my butt for 2 hours most days and I log everything I eat and sometimes in my heart I still feel like the biggest girl in the room even though others don't see me that way.

    I totally hear grumbling at folks, but unless they truly are children and are still growing, you can't be sure about their metabolism or how much effort they put in.
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    I feel the same way at times. Not that I blame the thin ones. I don't know their story, but I don't care. I Grumble out of jealousy. I grumble at ME. I grumble at the mere reality that I am not where I want to be yet. Mainly the grumble is that it isn't as easy as I want it to be, or not as fast as I want it to be. I know it takes time and I have to work hard at it, but wish it was just a little easier.
    I try to use my grumbles as motivation. I don't like feeling this way, so I will keep at it hoping that one day I won't feel the need to grumble about my fat *kitten* anymore.

    BTW - what is a stone? I have read it several times, stones lost, but don't know the meaning... 1 lb, 10lb???

    Everyone keep at it, you are all doing great & inspire me that I too can be great if I stick with it.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    i used to feel like that (still do sometimes)--but here's what keeps me going--a) i won't ever be 'skinny' like them if i give up b/c i'm intimidated, b) who KNOWS how they are that skinny...they could work out 10 hours a day and eat a cracker all day, etc. i've really tried not to compare myself to others. who knows their story--they may have the same one as you--they're just on the other end...and when i see someone who is just starting out, i try to smile and be friendly/encouraging. i remember what it feels like/still feels like sometimes. i feel really intimidated by the weight machines--even now, and i've been healthy for a few years and going to a gym daily for the last 3. don't give up!!

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Gatorgirl. You have said what I was trying hard to tackfully say. I am that person- I've lost 50 lbs, and it took forever, and now some people think I'm pretty slim, and I would hate for someone to see me and assume I have a fast metabolism or that I never work out or that I've never been big. I bust my butt for 2 hours most days and I log everything I eat and sometimes in my heart I still feel like the biggest girl in the room even though others don't see me that way.

    I totally hear grumbling at folks, but unless they truly are children and are still growing, you can't be sure about their metabolism or how much effort they put in.
    Oh I totally get that, I want to be you... but NOW!!! ha ha. I get hat the above person is say (hecticmum) It's a long journey and sometimes I wish like everyone else I could click my fingers but I also know that if I was suddenly a normal weight I wouldn't feel the pride that I do now knowing I have done this all by myself and it's for ME! I just get grrrrr sometimes knowing how far this journey is. As I said I love each and everyone of you for your support and who knows maybe by November I will be posting back to someone who has ranted about what I ranted about!!!
    Hecticmom - a stone is 14 pounds
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    I'm sure those girls have their own insecurities and hang ups which is why they're in a gym working out!! Or they may have previously been bigger and have worked equally as hard as you to get in the shape they are in now. I feel the same when i'm covered in sweat and extremely red and puffy and others look like they are barely out of breath and looking pretty damn hot!!!

    But I really do feel that most people are there just doing their own thing and pay no attention to those around them and not intentionally trying to make others feel bad!!

    You have done so well with all that weight loss, and should not compare yourself to others just be proud of yourself because you have done so so well.......:flowerforyou:
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    I'm sure those girls have their own insecurities and hang ups which is why they're in a gym working out!! Or they may have previously been bigger and have worked equally as hard as you to get in the shape they are in now. I feel the same when i'm covered in sweat and extremely red and puffy and others look like they are barely out of breath and looking pretty damn hot!!!

    But I really do feel that most people are there just doing their own thing and pay no attention to those around them and not intentionally trying to make others feel bad!!

    You have done so well with all that weight loss, and should not compare yourself to others just be proud of yourself because you have done so so well.......:flowerforyou:
    oh you! The "I could never run, now I run a half marathon every week" girl I know I know, it was just a grrrrr moment, I'm not dissing the hard work I've put in etc I just want to be thin now please! Or maybe I wishI started this back in January. You make me mad and inspired all at the same time but overall I love ya! (ps for people reading this who are thinking I'm being a little harsh on miss Emlov81, I'm not, she's used to it and she loves me all the more for it!)
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    You don't need to wish anything, you're 24lbs lighter than you were two months ago....that is amazing!!

    Love what you've done and focus on what other fantastic things you will achieve over the next two months!!!
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    I've been the skinny girl, (long time ago) ;-) from my personal experience it's harder putting on weight than taking it off.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    world peace?
  • Ley2ndtry
    Ley2ndtry Posts: 136
    what you do is you pick out the bits of them that you lke the most and tell yourself that if you work hard then you can have an *kitten* like hers, abs like that one over there - arms like him and legs like those three.

    just remember that they werent born looking like that - most likely they all had to work work work for it and i bet your butt that if you went up to 6 of them and asked you'd find at least 4 used to be the "fat" one!

    you ARE doing really well and you know your gonna carry on doing great otherwise you wouldn't've walked into that pool in the first place!
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    My gym doesn't have a pool but it can be hard enough just walking through the place sometimes with all of the stig figures standing around. The worst for me though, was when I was standing in front of the mirrors doing my arms feeling good, and my own skinny sister comes up next to me and I instantly felt like an elephant. And she's 5 years older than me!
  • Anngetsfit
    Anngetsfit Posts: 17 Member
    Three years ago I joined the new gym in town. On the first day I told myself I was not going to care what everyone else thought. I was going to hold my head high. I have lost 20 lbs but would like to lose 20 more lbs. I am currently taking a Kettlebell Class and last week we had several newbies start. At the begining of class they had the look on their faces like they were better then us. By the end of class they looked at us slightly over weight thirty-somethings and called us "Animals" because we kicked their butts. We were able to do twice as many reps as they could. Using a lot more weight. Yes I would love to look like they did but I would never give up how strong I have become.