giving up smoking

today i have chosen to give up smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!
any advice any one!


  • MrsBehaving
    MrsBehaving Posts: 100 Member
    Chantix. It SAVED me on my "kicking butt" journey! Good luck!
  • Psialpha297
    Psialpha297 Posts: 45 Member
    Chew gum and drink water... avoid booze. Also day three is the worst =\ GOOD LUCK you can do it =]
  • kenrae
    kenrae Posts: 12 Member
    Laser and worked for me. Good luck!!
  • jeeping_mom
    Gives you advice and anniversaries. I was able to do it cold turkey back in November. I like getting the little e-mails telling me how much life I've gained back and money I've saved :)

    Good Luck! Be strong :)
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    you have GOT to keep your hands and mind on something else. (but not food! ha)
    deep breathing
    take a walk
    munch on carrot sticks
    chew on a straw or toothpick
    brush your teeth right after a meal (this was my hardest one to give up and brushing your teeth helps)
    if you fight it......usually the physical urge will pass in 5 or 10 min
    you got this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mocklin
    mocklin Posts: 33 Member
    chantax! Works like a charm as long as you don't have any side effects. You should talk to your Dr. about it.
  • tinalatina
    tinalatina Posts: 499 Member
    Way to go!!!! Best decision I ever made for myself.....I'll never go back. Its been 7 months free for me. Just keep yourself majorly distracted and deterr from food! I gained 15 pounds and still trying to loose it.
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    I quite a year and a half ago using the nicotine gum. No drinking alcohol for at least a month or two will help, and keeping busy in general. Good luck it will be worth it!
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Congrats on quitting!!! Nicorette gum was a life saver for me.
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    will power! I up and decided one day to quit and everytime i would get the urge I would talk to myself about the pros and cons! Keep a count of what day you're on smoke-free and reward yourself when you hit goals. And TELL PEOPLE about it, they'll be so happy and motivating! And like someone else said, for me it was avoiding alcohol for a while, when i got through my first night of drinking without smoking i was SO proud of myself!!!
  • Purvey
    Purvey Posts: 13 Member
    Great! It will be difficult, but you can do it. There are always triggers that make us light up. We get on the phone, after a meal, if a friend comes over, we pop a top. You will have to stay away from smokers as much as you can or you will be very tempted to light up with them. Keep lots of carrot sticks on hand for when it is convenient to do so. Find something else to take the place of the cigarettes when away from the carrot sticks. Some say hard candy, but I do not like to think of all that sugar and food coloring in the candy. The minute you get the urge pinch your ear lobe. Do something to get your mind off wanting a cigarette. You can do it. I quit cold turkey 33 years ago and can not breathe around it. If you don't already do some type of exercise each day. Build up to cardio workouts to increase your stamina. Good luck!
  • laurad1406
    laurad1406 Posts: 341
    will power! I up and decided one day to quit and everytime i would get the urge I would talk to myself about the pros and cons! Keep a count of what day you're on smoke-free and reward yourself when you hit goals. And TELL PEOPLE about it, they'll be so happy and motivating! And like someone else said, for me it was avoiding alcohol for a while, when i got through my first night of drinking without smoking i was SO proud of myself!!!

    Wow, what timing, I just went on CNN and this is the main story right now.
  • hmsma
    hmsma Posts: 3 Member
    I started Chantix after getting a bad cold in Feb and was sick of the hacking. That is what actually started me on this whole health kick and landed me here. Absolutely the best thing I ever did!! Within days of starting it I was exercising and within a month was running!!! I am now over 3 months smoke free! Whatever path you choose to quit dont give up. You'll be so happy you did it!!!
  • DKev
    DKev Posts: 266 Member
    Lots of chewing gum worked for me, as well as keeping track of how many days smoke free I was and little rewards here and there. I also found that a bit of a work out would get me through a hard core craving which was good for not putting on weight due to eating. I am 2 years smoke free as of April and actually 20 pounds lighter! You can do this! Congrats on making the decision to quit and good luck along your journey. Feel free to add me for support!
  • pinkgirlzoe
    pinkgirlzoe Posts: 59 Member
    wow! thanks everyone for the supprt. whole 24 hours without a *kitten* despite there being 3 in the house last night!
  • pinkgirlzoe
    pinkgirlzoe Posts: 59 Member
    still resisting. Tonight going to be tough as its thursday night drinkies down the pub!
  • KaySera
    KaySera Posts: 45 Member
    I see you're based in the UK, so if you find the nearest chemist which does a "stop smoking clinic", you have a free consultation, complete a form, discuss with the assistant/chemist what NRT products would be suitable for you (patches, gum, mouth spray, etc) and they contact your doctor. Your GP will write a prescription, you pay the cost for each prescription (or free, depending on your circumstances). You use the products for 2 weeks, and keep going back to the clinic every 2 weeks, for a repeat prescription. 5 consultations in a course, so 10 weeks. The NRT products - or how many - you get depend on your GP.

    I've been a smoke free zone for the past 64 days (but who's counting?) and it's all down to the above procedure. AND I'VE GOT ££££s in my purse - even after buying running shoes, having a manicure and pedicure, new hair style, and loads of new clothes...which is why I'm so determined not to put on weight!!

    I would seriously suggest you make an excuse to avoid the pub for a while though!

    Good luck - if you need support, I'm here......
  • FrozenTundra511
    FrozenTundra511 Posts: 206 Member
    Chantix. It SAVED me on my "kicking butt" journey! Good luck!

    Same here... 2 1/2 weeks on the pill and I was done... that was 4 years ago and still going strong!