100lbs to lose....

Hi, I'm 29yr old with 100lbs to lose. I don't have any children to blame by weight on, I just love food and hate exercise! Over the last 10 years I have gained and lost and gained back more weight than I probably need to lose in all! I'm looking for friends to help with motivation, support and tips! I'm at an all time low and ready to finally lose this weight for good and live a healthier lifestyle! I want to be able to go out and do active activities with my husband comfortably with out being tired, winded, or embarrassed!


  • lajci
    lajci Posts: 14 Member
    I can relate to that!
  • Hey, me too :/ We can do it!!
  • Amy_loves
    Amy_loves Posts: 6 Member
    I had 100lb to lose - so far I have lost 38lb of that. It hasn't been easy and some weeks I fall off the wagon and don't lose anything but others I do great. I find the best thing is to enter every single thing you eat even if it's a whole pizza or a mcdonalds because it will help you to limit the damage.

    The best advice I can give is not to get too hungry... maximise your calories. The most amount of food and nutrients for the least amount of calories. For example I have a handful of spinach with almost every meal. I also drink loads of hot drinks and try to be as active as possible... even walking for 5 extra minutes counts! :) Good luck!! xx
  • vanny24mvp
    vanny24mvp Posts: 5 Member
    Let's do it.
  • Sheri2016
    Sheri2016 Posts: 197 Member
    You got this! If you need a friend to help push you let me know, I've lost about 55lb and have another 50 to lose. I have definitely had my ups and down as this process goes.
  • tayter_tot7
    tayter_tot7 Posts: 220 Member
    I'm in! I've had the same problems. It's not as easy as people think. I did good for a period I lost 20lbs. Recently due to not working out as much first I got food poisoning that slowed me down, then I had a car accident. I'm almost back to myself. And I'm going to bounce back. What got me was the fact that I ate things that I couldn't burn off because I wasn't working out. My last job was pretty active I could easily take 17k steps in a shift. This job is a desk job...but the plus about this job is that I can bring my own snacks and I can choose healthier snacks that I bring from home rather than hitting the vending machines. I think It will be great lets all push each other and get where we need to be.
  • 1sinJes
    1sinJes Posts: 4 Member
    I too need to lose 100 lbs. The first goal for me is 53. That puts me under 200 lbs. I do have kids that are almost 16, but I was heavy even before. At 33 I'm just ready. I work alot and sleep very little. I mostly eat quick things that are easy and cheap and often terrible for me. I've recently started to track and journal my food thinking why can't I lose weight I never eat. I was blown away at the calories in the couple of things or one meal I was eating. One drink 680 calories. I'd love to start chatting and see if we can support each other through
  • bendis2007
    bendis2007 Posts: 82 Member
    Good luck on the journey! I can relate to loving food and hating exercise - I've been working at it for sometime and I've managed to get myself to the gym once a week. I was able to do a major overhaul on my eating habits though which has allowed me to lose as much as I have. I'll gladly give you support, encouragement, and recipe ideas to help curb the beast that is hunger throughout the day!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Yep, I'm right there with ya, I've lost 20 since January 1st and need to loose at lease another 80. I've been on and off MFP for several years. I did really good about 5 years ago but then life got in the way and I've gained it all (plus a little extra) back. I work a very sedentary desk job but I do have the opportunity to workout in a the small gym we have at work during lunch. My goal is to work out at least 3 days a week. We also have acreage at home and have some serious storm damage to clean up so hubby and I will be working at least one day each weekend around the property which will burn some serious calories.
  • MsDeeHawk12
    MsDeeHawk12 Posts: 52 Member
    Not new to MFP, but I've been gone for almost two years.

    The last time I was on, I was so motivated and the support I gained here was priceless. I lost 45 pounds and felt so healthy and strong.

    Unfortunately, life got in the way and it all fell apart. But, I'm angry and on a mission. Time to take back control of my life. My main goals are to lose 80 pounds total and to complete a RUN DISNEY in 2017.

    I will be on daily and am looking for buddies to help keep me motivated. I promise to do the same for you!

    Send me a friend request if you are interested.
  • JennK730
    JennK730 Posts: 62 Member
    ashdcourt wrote: »
    Hi, I'm 29yr old with 100lbs to lose. I don't have any children to blame by weight on, I just love food and hate exercise! Over the last 10 years I have gained and lost and gained back more weight than I probably need to lose in all! I'm looking for friends to help with motivation, support and tips! I'm at an all time low and ready to finally lose this weight for good and live a healthier lifestyle! I want to be able to go out and do active activities with my husband comfortably with out being tired, winded, or embarrassed!

    Add me as friend if like starting walking Challenge March 1st..tomorrow
  • JennK730
    JennK730 Posts: 62 Member
    Not new to MFP, but I've been gone for almost two years.

    The last time I was on, I was so motivated and the support I gained here was priceless. I lost 45 pounds and felt so healthy and strong.

    Unfortunately, life got in the way and it all fell apart. But, I'm angry and on a mission. Time to take back control of my life. My main goals are to lose 80 pounds total and to complete a RUN DISNEY in 2017.

    I will be on daily and am looking for buddies to help keep me motivated. I promise to do the same for you!

    Send me a friend request if you are interested.

    Send me a friend request if want to join walking Challenge startin March 1, 2016
  • JennK730
    JennK730 Posts: 62 Member
    bendis2007 wrote: »
    Good luck on the journey! I can relate to loving food and hating exercise - I've been working at it for sometime and I've managed to get myself to the gym once a week. I was able to do a major overhaul on my eating habits though which has allowed me to lose as much as I have. I'll gladly give you support, encouragement, and recipe ideas to help curb the beast that is hunger throughout the day!

    Send me friend request if want to join walking Challenge tomorrow March 1st