BMI that the Goal?

I have to ask, as my BMI read out says:

Your BMI is: 31.6 (Obese)
Target weight range: 128.9 - 174.3 lbs

So, I should be shooting for the 170 range?

Please advise,

The newly overwhelmed Coach that weighs 225 lbs. :laugh:


  • Coach2010
    Coach2010 Posts: 209
    I have to ask, as my BMI read out says:

    Your BMI is: 31.6 (Obese)
    Target weight range: 128.9 - 174.3 lbs

    So, I should be shooting for the 170 range?

    Please advise,

    The newly overwhelmed Coach that weighs 225 lbs. :laugh:
  • sblades
    sblades Posts: 75
    Sometimes, the BMI is not the best measurement of how much a person should weigh.
    For example - the BMI of a professional bodybuilder would say he or she is morbidly obese. This is because volume wise, muscle weighs more than fat. Someone with a tall, thin frame may struggle to get up into the "normal" BMI range, even though he or she can appear healthy.
    BMI in the normal range is something to shoot for, yes... but it's not always super effective for some people.
  • Power
    Power Posts: 27 Member
    Yeah I would not shoot for that number. It all depends on how you are built. With my frame, I would look like I was sick if I hit the midrange of the "Normal" BMI number. From experience, my "very fit" weight puts me into the high "Overweight" category, yet I assure you that no one who knew me some 7 years ago would have agreed.

    Have you been thin or in shape before? If so, aim for a number that you remember feeling good at. If not, choose 5 or 10 pounds and do that in increments until you feel healthy, etc.... or get a tub test done to see what your body fat percentage is and head for a healthy number. I don't see how body fat percentage could let you down, but I know if I aimed for "Normal" BMI, I would feel like a failure because I don't think I would ever get there.