Weight Loss Surgery

Sweet_T_McGee_HeatherSadie Posts: 98 Member
edited January 2016 in Motivation and Support
Hey guys,
I've been on MFP for a few years now. I have lost 70lbs naturally all on my own... I then became pregnant.... Long story short... Pregnancy triggered a Gene mutation to become active.... Hashimotos Disease came into play.... Causing me to gain about 150 lbs... After 2 years of busting my butt at the gym eating right and being on 11 different medications I talked with my doctor about Gastric bypass... I was 300 lbs... My liver was fatty (and let's be honest l those meds weren't helping) I was type 2 diabetic... I was depressed because I could lose the weight like I did before! Over all being 22, I didn't see myself living past 35 at that point... With the help of my doctor I took the first step to WLS (Weight Loss Surgery). I had RNY 9-16-14 and I never looked back!!! It saved my life and gave me a second chance! I'm now down 100lbs and it feels fantastic! I still want to lose 30 more for my personal goal!

I'd love to hear some of your stories


  • MysticMeg_17
    MysticMeg_17 Posts: 4 Member
    Amazing :smiley: I'm currently on the waiting list for WLS hopefully to be approved tomorrow (fingers crossed!) its great to hear others stories about what they have achieved
  • adotpw
    adotpw Posts: 6 Member
    Hello. I had Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery 12/14/16. I'm looking for fellow WLS plp to talk with & motivate/get motivation from.