Mood dictated by scale?

Anyone else? If that scale goes up even a half pound, I have a terrible mood but if there's any loss I am in a fantastic mood. I hate how obsessed I am with it. It actually affects my mood with my kids which is absolutely terrible.


  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Nope, weight loss is not linear at all. My weight fluctuates every day, I go by how my clothes feel.
  • meganmoore112
    meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
    I used to be that way, but not anymore. I understand the daily fluctuations. I weigh daily and use Happy Scale to record weights so I can see a graph of progress. It shows an overall downward trend, so one or two days higher than the previous low doesn't bother me.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Nope. I know weight fluctuates, so as long as the long-term trend is downward, I'm okay.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I've been there. If I'm feeling even a little bit fragile I skip the weigh in that day. I skip lots of days. Eye on the prize. The real prize is nutritious food within my calorie goal and some exercise daily. Not fluctuating water weight on the scale.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    I just don't weigh everyday. Mentally I get that the fluctuations are normal and data is good thing, but I just think too much.

    So I weigh roughly once a week, maybe more often if it is a certain date, or my pants are particularly loose.

    Most recently I was stuck in the same pants size longer than I thought I should be based on previous experience with the number on the scale. And my weight was stuck in place for a bit. Then I dropped 3. Fit into smaller jeans. :) Lost a bit more. Measured yesterday and 3 inches are gone from my hips...woosh.
  • IFerFerGood
    IFerFerGood Posts: 3 Member
    Yep - those scales can be deadly. I stopped using them a while back.. they were sending me backwards instead of forwards... But you know what - its totally normal to want to see progress. So instead, I set myself some goals for the day. i.e. drink 2L of water, do my fast for the day, do 10,000 steps, and I just rate myself (1-10) on whether I did my best to achieve that goal. Asking myself this way means that I am more looking at my progress than the outcome..Try to wean yourself a little off the scales - sounds like you're being really hard on yourself, and you're probably doing a fabulous job!!
  • fastfoodietofitcutie
    fastfoodietofitcutie Posts: 523 Member
    Same here. I weigh in on Friday's which is usually a great day for me but if I have a bad weigh in it can ruin my whole day and even my weekend.
  • scolaris
    scolaris Posts: 2,145 Member
    I weigh every day & expect the scale to go up & down!! What I'm always excited about is the weekly average weight I get from Fitbit on Saturdays. And because it reflects a trend, it almost always goes down. But it's not foolproof or even linear in its total nature and a few times it has gone sideways or up. I really don't understand the emotional response tactic. That would be like getting upset over a car lube job that said my windshield wiper fluid was low or something. I guess I really don't see my excess weight as intrinsically part of 'me'. It's more like a little excess stuff in the garage that I need to get rid of. Having it there doesn't make me ashamed or feel like a bad person; I understand getting rid of it will take a little time and thought. Some weeks are just more effective than others at that.
    Maybe you should shift your self worth away from your weight. Because weight will always bobble around, even once you're in a healthy weight range.
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    guess you need to stop daily and let it dictate your mood only once a week
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member

    IMO weighing on a daily basis helps to inure people to normal everyday weight fluctuations. Or, at least, to inure logical and non emotionally-driven people to normal everyday weight fluctuations.
  • subversive99
    subversive99 Posts: 273 Member
    This has happened to me, but I have gotten much better at talking myself out of the bad mood. I mean, logically I know that a 1 day bounce is not relevant in the long run, so I go drink my coffee and get over it while I have breakfast.
  • soulofgrace
    soulofgrace Posts: 175 Member
    edited March 2016
    scolaris wrote: »
    ...snip... I really don't understand the emotional response tactic... I guess I really don't see my excess weight as intrinsically part of 'me'. It's more like a little excess stuff in the garage that I need to get rid of. Having it there doesn't make me ashamed or feel like a bad person...

    Nicely said!

    As someone who has a tendency to blow some situations out of proportion, I have somehow managed to keep a level head concerning this shedding of junk in my garage. I weigh every day and note my ups and down. But, I get to decide my mood, and I feel much healthier when I decide on a good one.
  • ilex70
    ilex70 Posts: 727 Member
    Or, at least, to inure logical and non emotionally-driven people to normal everyday weight fluctuations.

    Nice put down you got there. So helpful.

    INTP from jump here, not illogical or emotionally-driven. Just have a tendency to overthink some things so find it better to turn down the volume, so to speak.

    Just find what works for you OP. If that is weighing less often no harm in it, as long as you are sticking to your plan. If not, then the lack of feedback can mean you get off track. Generally though your pants will let you know if it's that bad.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Absolutely!!! I totally go through the same thing....If I am feeling at all like the day could be a crabby one, or whatever I avoid the scale. I wish it didn't affect me so much too! I know there are daily/weekly/monthly fluctuations, but it still hurts.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    Maybe at first I was more affected by what the scale said. Now that I've been weighing daily for over a year it doesn't affect me because I'm used to seeing those fluctuations. And knowing that they don't mean anything. I try to focus on non scale victories!
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Don't start day trading OP. :laugh:

    Just weigh once a week if daily checks are bad for you. Personally I weigh in twice a day. Fluctuations are perfectly normal.
  • jprewitt1
    jprewitt1 Posts: 264 Member
    jemhh wrote: »

    IMO weighing on a daily basis helps to inure people to normal everyday weight fluctuations. Or, at least, to inure logical and non emotionally-driven people to normal everyday weight fluctuations.

    Ha. It's funny cause it's true. I'm one of those people who used to convince myself that if my weight didn't go down in a particular amount of days that it didn't matter and I should just eat whatever. It's taken a long time to get that mindset changed. I still have the occasional bad day, but it's gotten better. I weigh in everyday and track my progress using Libra so I can see that I still have a downward trend. That is a definite help to me mentally and emotionally.
  • MommyMeggo
    MommyMeggo Posts: 1,222 Member
    Myeh. Not so much the scale
    dorener wrote: »
    Anyone else? If that scale goes up even a half pound, I have a terrible mood but if there's any loss I am in a fantastic mood. I hate how obsessed I am with it. It actually affects my mood with my kids which is absolutely terrible.

    Dawww. I feel you. (hugs)
    Dont take it out on your littles, your friends OR yourself.
    Take it out on the weights. Take it out on the treadmill. Take it out on those tennis shoes!

    Use it as fuel to push you. Whether its because of sodium, or less movement or too much food- who cares. Other than using the"why" to direct your choices for today- forget about it. Just change it. Do better next time.
    Look at the big picture- not just today or this week!
    If it helps just weigh-in every two weeks vs. 1 week or daily ....or put the scale away for a while.

    Dont give that stupid thing the power to ruin your day!!
  • dorener
    dorener Posts: 52 Member
    MommyMeggo wrote: »
    Myeh. Not so much the scale
    dorener wrote: »
    Anyone else? If that scale goes up even a half pound, I have a terrible mood but if there's any loss I am in a fantastic mood. I hate how obsessed I am with it. It actually affects my mood with my kids which is absolutely terrible.

    Dawww. I feel you. (hugs)
    Dont take it out on your littles, your friends OR yourself.
    Take it out on the weights. Take it out on the treadmill. Take it out on those tennis shoes!

    Use it as fuel to push you. Whether its because of sodium, or less movement or too much food- who cares. Other than using the"why" to direct your choices for today- forget about it. Just change it. Do better next time.
    Look at the big picture- not just today or this week!
    If it helps just weigh-in every two weeks vs. 1 week or daily ....or put the scale away for a while.

    Dont give that stupid thing the power to ruin your day!!

    I loved this, thank you! I may read it daily :)
  • gilbyfc
    gilbyfc Posts: 28 Member
    yes it most certainly effects my mood. I know it shouldn't but I feel like I'm working very hard and it frustrates me big time to see the scale go the wrong direction, even if it's only for a day or two.