Appetite shrinking observation

I started to eat much better for about 21 days now. I have noticed my appetite is much less than it was before I started. I am exercising Mon to Fri most weeks & burning calories/strength training. I am finding it hard to consume what MFP is telling me to. Maybe it's just my body adjusting to a lower volume of food.


  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    It could also be that you're eating more filling food. For example: I can eat 1000+ calories of pizza easy. It's hard for me to eat 1000+ calories of chicken breast, broccoli, and sweet potato.
  • YalithKBK
    YalithKBK Posts: 317 Member
    edited March 2016
    I noted the same thing. Since I started eating less, I've actually had less food cravings. I've even found myself feeling full more quickly. I can still hit my calorie goals every day but I have a pretty sedentary life, so my intake is quite low.

    If you need more calories, you can poke around the forums for one of those threads where people say they can't eat enough. There are suggestions of some higher-calorie but still healthy foods (I don't know the foods off the top of my head but nuts always come up) that you can try to make sure you're getting enough fuel.